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Scarlet finds herself at a crossroads, torn between the career she has tirelessly built and the freedom she craves, especially from any romantic entanglements. Little does she know, her parents have other plans for her - they are determined to force her into an unwanted marriage.

Caught in a web of deceit, Scarlet has constructed a fortress of lies that could crumble at any moment, potentially destroying her and her entire life. Desperate to maintain her independence, she fabricates a love life to appease her parents. However, little does she know that her lies are about to become a reality, as Kyan unexpectedly becomes her savior in this dire situation.

But will Kyan be prepared to abide by Scarlet's conditions? His sole focus is to escape his haunting past, rise above his current circumstances, and sever ties with the hellish existence he calls home and the demons he calls family.

Thus, a mutually beneficial arrangement is struck between Scarlet and Kyan - a symbiotic relationship that operates solely on her terms. Will they be able to navigate this delicate balance and find solace in each other's company? Only time will tell.



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