The new guy

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People say that falling in love is the best thing that could happen to a person. That it is something everyone deserves and everyone should experience.
Love was supposed to be something so beautiful that once you have it, you should never let it go. Of course, there are different types of love. You can love someone platonically, you can love family and of course there is self-love.

This story will be about love between two people so strong, it leads to them making questionable decisions.

Genevieve, who gets called Gen by most of the people she knows, has never believed that love changes people. She could not wrap her mind around the idea of someone loving someone else so much that a break-up could be compared to a cruel way to die.

Could you imagine she never had a boyfriend?

She was a 17-year-old student at The Bronx High School of science in New York. Very popular wasn't an adjective her classmates would use to describe her, other than her only and best friend Tracy, who knew basically everyone in the entire school.

Walking through the school, Genevieve was either not noticed at all, or was picked on by stupid popular people. She just wished for the school year to be over so that she could finally be accepted into an Ivy School, but for now, she has to attend art class.

It was her favorite class, especially because she could let her creativity run freely. Walking into the class, she noticed someone sitting in the chair next to her, at the very end of the classroom. People normally wouldn't sit next to her, well, at least not out of free will.

It was also someone who she had never seen, so she just figured he was new. She gave him a quick smile before sitting down, plugging in her earphones and starting to work on her project. While drawing, the new guy just took the left side of her earphones and put them in his ear, out of curiosity of what she was listening to.

''Excuse you, that is mine.'' She reached out her palm for him to return the earphone, in her voice a pinch of disgust, because she didn't like other people to wear her earphones.

''That Band's my favorite'' he smiles, while handing back the left side of her earphones, and when his fingertips brushed her palm, just for a second, her heart skipped a beat.

''Mine too.'' She smiled, and for the whole class they had a conversation about music, school, and hundreds of other things. After art class, they were walking down the halls, where some guys of the football team tried to make fun of them.

But as they continued to ignore them, one of the guys started pushing him. While she wanted to leave, all he did was push him back. The bully was clearly surprised being pushed back from the new kid, so now, a huge fight broke out.

They were eventually parted by a teacher and sent to the principles' office. She went home that day, with butterflies in her stomach. Tracy, who walked home with her, noticed she has been more quiet than usual.

''Is it about that new boy?'' She asked curiously. Gen turned completely red, and got super defensive. She assured Tracy multiple times how she wasn't even interested in him, or how he wasn't even her type, etc...

Tracy laughed for a second, but then turned to Gen and started seriously warning her.

''I mean, did you see how quickly he started that brawl with Chad?'' Genevieve tried to laugh it off.

''Okay, but come on, everyone was waiting for Chad to getting a punch or two.'' Tracy rolled her eyes and tried kind of getting some sense into her. She doesn't have a good feeling with this new kid, and normally, her gut was always right.

Chuckling, Gen went to her house. ''Yes, sure, I'll stay away from him or whatever. See you tomorrow!''

At home, Genevieve tried to finish some homework, but she couldn't stop thinking about him. How he fought the bully, without thinking twice. Then again, she noticed that she didn't even get his name. Every time she thought about him, all she could refer him to was 'The new guy' but she decided to change that the next day.

But the next day he wasn't in school. And neither was he the next day. Nor the day after that.

The next time she would see his face, was a whole week after. Which made sense, she just figured that he had gotten suspended. On the next Monday, she made herself look extra adorable. She put on some of her nicest clothes and put on a little bit of make-up as well.

For her luck, she had art in the first period as well, so she knew, she would definitely see him.

And there he was. He sat next to her again, but something about him was different. Not something in his appearance, but in his way of acting. He didn't look at her, or talk to her. She said down, and even after the nicest 'hello' someone could say, she was still air to him.

So, once the break began, she stormed out and went to sit at Tracy's table.

''I can't believe it. I thought there was something'' she whined, while eating her apple. Tracy tried to comfort her, but internally, she was boiling. She was used for bullies to pick on her best friend, whom she then had to defend, but a boy hurting Gen was new territory. And she did not like it.

She disliked it so much, she got up rapidly, and stated that they will 'give him a piece of their mind'. Genevieve didn't like this idea at all. But there they were, Tracy dragging her friend all through the halls and Gen trying to convince her to change her mind.

But nothing could have changed Tracy's decision. So, once they spotted him in the park sitting on the ground, they walked up to him.

''Explain yourself, you dirty little son of a bit-'' Genevieve nicked her in the arm and told her to stop insulting him. He was clearly confused by this whole situation, that is, until Gen explained what is bothering her so much.

''You ignored me all day long...'' she explained. ''Why was that?'' he looked at her confused. But after just a few seconds, he had the expression of someone who had just understood a difficult mathematic equation.

''I had my earbuds in, full volume, and sometimes when I hear music, I just zone out. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to insult you'' at least thirty seconds of silence broke out, before both of the girls started apologizing.

Tracy's cheerleading practiced started soon, so now the two were alone. Gen joined him, and sat next to him on the grass, that was covered in sunshine.

''I'm sorry, I didn't get your name'' he then stated.

''Oh, it's Genevieve.'' over his face appeared a small smile. ''And yours?'' She added. He tells her that his name is Koa. It has been a name she had never heard before, but that only made him more interesting.

Hours over hours, these two talked. And when it was time to head home, he insisted on brining her home, to know she'd get home safely. Seeing the opportunity to talk even longer to Koa, she agreed. And once they arrived at her porch, they exchanged numbers.

Not even being able to focus on her homework, Gen tried to resist the urge to text him first. She didn't want to seem desperate. But after just a few hours, she decided that just texting wouldn't send any desperate signs.

And as if he had been waiting for it, he immediately replied to her text, and so, they chatted for hours, until it was almost morning again. For four months, these two basically spent every second with each other.

Finally, after the last day of school, he asked her something she will forever regret her answer two. He stood in front of the bench Gen was sitting on, and with his hands fidgeting nervously, he asked her.

''Do you maybe want to date?'' Without hesitaton, she blasted out her answer. And until her last breath, she wished that she didn't. Because what she said was

''Yes. I do.''

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