Chapter 1: Trouble, Trouble and Trouble

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"Absolutely not!," Scarlet was absolutely appalled by the idea of being forced into marrying a complete stranger.

"How dare you assume that I would just agree to marry someone I've never even met before? Do you really think so little of me that you would expect me to spend the rest of my life with a man I don't even know?" She was seething with anger, but she knew she had to keep her composure. "Take a deep breath, Scarlet, deep breaths."

Her parents had set up a meeting for her to get to know her potential future husband, a man she had never laid eyes on. She couldn't believe that her own parents would do this to her, treating her like a mere object to be traded.

"Well, darling, we've tried discussing your future with you multiple times, but we never seem to reach a conclusion. We know you prioritize your career over your personal life, but have you ever thought about the future of the company and what will happen when you retire in 25 years?" Her mother's voice held a note of concern.

"So that gives you the right to choose who I marry? Seriously, Mom, for all you know, I could be interested in women or already be in a relationship," Scarlet retorted in disbelief.

"Well... um... you've never mentioned being a lesbian or having a boyfriend, so we thought-"

Scarlet cut her off immediately.

"So you just assumed I was single and decided, 'Oh, let's marry her off to a random guy!' Seriously, Mom, that's just ridiculous!" She scoffed, arms crossed over her chest.

"Listen, sweetheart, we only want what's best for you. We're your parents, we care about you-"

"And what's best for me is being set up with a complete stranger? Come on, Mom and Dad, this is so immature," Scarlet interrupted, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Look Scarlet, he's a decent guy. You really shouldn't judge him before you actually get to know him. So, Scarlet, for the sake of the company and all of us, go meet him tomorrow at 'Sunville Cafe' at 10 a.m. sharp," said her father.

"Well, since you've already decided what's 'best' for me, how can I possibly object? It's not like I'm a human being or anything. Thank you so much for all this unwanted trouble," She muttered sarcastically as she stormed out, leaving her parents in distress.

"This is just unbelievable... I'm so fed up with all of this,"She grumbled to herself as she dialed up her childhood friend to vent out all the anger she had been holding in.

"Scarlet: Hey Jade, could you come to my lakeside penthouse?"

"Jade: Are they bothering you about marriage again?" She laughed, knowing exactly what this was going to be about.

"Scarlet: They've really crossed the line this time."

"Jade: Oh yikes, that sounds bad. I'll be there in twenty."

"Scarlet: Thank you..."

She slammed the phone down, sped off to her fancy penthouse, and let her mind run wild with thoughts. Seriously, how dare her parents meddle in her life like this? She's a freakin' adult, for crying out loud! She couldn't help but replay the morning's events over and over again in her head.

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