Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Have you ever made a naiad cry? I don't recommend it. It's about the most dangerous thing you can do.

Hey, I'm Jay Kirix by the way. I'm a child of Hermes. Yeah... not the most popular cabin— unless it's because of our pranks— but it's full of awesome people. I should know, I'm one of them. But unless you can take a few pranks and some of your pockets picked, I don't suggest getting too close to me. Not saying I mind being avoided but... it does lead to some sad moments.

Anyway, welcome to camp newbie! You're gonna love it here. And if— I mean when— you get claimed, you'll be away from me in no time. Nah, don't worry, I'm used to losing friendships and people. It's like second nature. Hades— the god of the underworld— says that's a good thing. But for some reason people say don't listen to him. Meh, I don't know.

Anyway, sorry, I have ADHD— like a lot of people here— and dyslexia. So my brain tends to wander a lot. Back to business!

Oh! Time for Capture the Flag! Let's go.

I quickly hurry to the door of the cabin and yank it open. All my siblings stand behind me, swords at the ready and gleaming armor strapped to their chests.

"Everyone ready?" I yell over the clamor of armor banging against other metal. "Everyone got their weapons? Okay, good. Let's go"

With those words, we all marched out of the Hermes cabin.

The whole clearing was crowded by armor clad demigods. I could see Annabeth Chase and her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, at the end of the clearing, deep in conversation.

I left my cabin mates and made my way over to the two. Just when I was getting close, my friend, Ashton Decker— better known as Ash— stepped into my path. Ash was a daughter of Apollo and it showed with how her skin glowed with a healthy sheen and her hair glimmered as the golden locks shifted in the sunlight.

"Hey, Jay" she greeted me, tilting her head a tad. I could never tell what she meant by that movement.

"Hey yourself, Ash. Did you need something?" I replied, glancing over her shoulder to see if Percy and Annabeth had moved. Still there, fantastic.

"Oh nothing, our cabins are teaming up right?" She fired off, placing a hand on my arm. I focused on her again and gave a tilt of my own head.

"I guess we can but I was—" before I could finish, she nodded and spoke over me.

"Okay! We should go and gather our cabins together and discuss a strategy. Sounds good?" She said, slipping a hand into the crook of my arm and dragging me toward our already gathered cabins.

Without much of a choice, I let her pull me along.

After a few seconds, I glanced down at her and immediately saw a pick-pocket opportunity. With a smooth hand, I expertly slipped my hand into one of her pockets and withdrew slowly, holding a drachma.

Smirking, I started to slide it into my pocket. But with a soft click, I felt something wrap around my wrist. Looking up, I met Ash's bemused electric blue gaze.

Smiling sheepishly— yet un-shamefully — I slipped the drachma back into her pocket.

Withdrawing, I realized I had handcuffs wrapped around my wrist. The other cuff was hooked around Ash's own hand.

"Awe crap... Really, this again?" I groaned, attempting— even though I knew I couldn't—to free my hand.

"If you learn not to try pick-pocketing me this wouldn't happen" Ash said, smiling as she watched me struggle.

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