Prologue: Sacrifices

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE* This chapter will contain graphic depictions of self-mutilation and other forms of gore, particularly to the eyes and mouth/teeth for purposes of (a fictional form of) witchcraft. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, please skip the chapter of find another story :)*

Morgan sighed as she looked down at her old spellbook one more time, checking the instructions over and over.

The spells that require certain sacrifices were the only ones that she could not afford to mess up.

This one was supposed to cure nightmares. Or, at least, she hoped it would, because her sleep had really been suffering lately, not sleeping for weeks at a time, and her grandmother told her to sort it out. Her grandma -- that woman scared her, however it was a somewhat comforting fear. She would visit every month or so, making sure Morgan hadn't accidentally hurt herself too badly while casting a spell, then Morgan would make tea for her and they would sit as she asked the same questions about how she had been doing.

She had with her a dagger, some bandages, and a few spare teeth as well as (of course) her spellbook. She sighed, taking a metal bowl from the shelf above her wooden desk, placing it at the centre. She was definitely forgetting something...

Axolotl tails. That was probably it. At least, she hoped it was that, because she had very little room for error. Morgan then made no hesitation in mixing the ingredients she had gathered in her bowl: various mushrooms and then the axolotl tails.

The final ingredient was, unfortunately, a rather permanent loss to her: her right eye. She decided to just get it over with, and plunged it in, being careful not to dig it too far and pierce through the other side of her eyeball and into her brain (which would probably have killed her had it ever happened) the pain reduced to a dull ache by the shock. She pulled it out quickly, her eye coming out with it. She then tipped the dagger above the bowl so that the blade pointed down, the eye falling into the metal dish with a sickening splat on top of the other ingredients. Her eye glowed slightly in the bowl before melting into a thick, dark, red liquid.

The rest of the spell was written on the next page. She turned it, leaving red stains at the corner of the page and continued reading. Morgan's eyebrows furrowed as she saw the last step -- she was sure that wasn't it, however she did not question it for any longer for the fear of the ingredients expiring before she had completed the spell, and so she smeared the liquid from the bowl in a small line on her forehead as instructed, between her remaining eye and her now empty eye socket to the right of it. She felt a light burning sensation where the liquid was.

The pain that followed was excruciating. She felt her skin split,  tearing apart where the red liquid was as something pushed up through her head and into the tear in her skin from the back of her skull. She went to the cracked mirror on the wall above her bed. Another eye had appeared. She started at it, it's dead, glossy surface seeming alien on her pale skin. She could feel it's surface; it was a part of her. It stung slightly as an inky-black slit rolled down from behind its upper eyelid. It blinked a few times, the eyelid closed from the top and dragged across the previously dry membrane.

She could now see from it. She closed her other eye to get a better idea of how her vision was different. Everything was without colour other than the spell equipment on her shelves and her spellbook, which glowed a bright, pinkish red. So her new eye could see supernatural residue or something. This definitely wasn't the right spell.

*Words: 666*

I've Got Some Falling to Do [Gravity Falls x Fem!OC]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن