Love & Duty.

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" For as long as he could remember, the prince had been hidden away from the world, locked in the castle and kept away from the prying eyes of society. His father, the king, had deemed him too feminine, too delicate, and a disgrace to the royal family due to his interest in men. But despite the restrictions placed upon him, the prince found solace in his secret excursions through the city.

As he grew older, the prince longed to be accepted by his family and society. And so, he finally convinced his father that he was interested in women, hoping that it would bring him the freedom and acceptance he so desperately craved. But just when he thought he had found a way out, a man came into his life and turned everything upside down.

This man was unlike anyone the prince had ever met before. He was confident, charming, and utterly captivating. And as they spent more time together, the prince found himself falling deeper and deeper in love. But with love came risk, and the prince couldn't help but wonder if this man was worth it.

His heart was torn between his love for this man and the fear of losing everything he had ever known. He knew that if he were to be with this man, he would risk losing his crown, his family, and his reputation. But the prince couldn't deny the love he felt.

As he struggled with his feelings, the prince knew that he had a decision to make. Should he stay true to himself and risk everything for the chance at love? Or should he give in to the expectations of his family and society, denying himself the chance at true happiness? It was a difficult choice, and only time would tell if the prince would choose love or duty. "


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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