Chapter 1: System

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He slowly opened his eyes and found everything was white.

He thought to himself. what happened and where was he?

As he thought memories of the accident came loaded in his mind.

He remembered going to somewhere when a truck hit his car. Before that he can't remember anything

So Is he dead? Is it heaven?
Did I get to send to heaven for my good deeds?

He was feeling confused about everything when a picture of a man flashed in his mind. Who is he?

Before he could catch his thoughts a very cute voice rang in his ears.

[Hello host, welcome to my soul space]

"Who are you ?"

He was startled by the sudden voice and asked.

Then he saw a bright purple ball appear before him. It was round and fluffy with two round eyes and a cute pouty mouth.

'So cute'

He was struck in the heart by the cuteness. He has always been a fluff control.

He grabbed the ball and rubbed his face on it enjoying the softness.

[ me g..go. I..I can't b..breath]

He released the ball and said.

"Sorry, sorry,  I couldn't control myself. You're so cute. So who are you cutie."

The purple ball turned read after hearing cutie and stuttered.

[H..hello host, I..I am System 004. N..nice to meet you]

"System? Where am I ?"

[You're in my soul space]

"Am i not dead? I remember being hit by a truck?"

[Yes host, you're dead. But before your soul disappears I immediately extracted and binded with you ]

The system said proudly about his deed wanting to be praised.

" Very good, little cutie. Then what am I doing here?"

[Host, you've to travel to many small worlds and complete your missions. After completing you'll get energy from it.]

"Energy? What it's use?"

[With the help of energy host can get many things from the system shop and also host can get back to his real world.]

The system said cheerfully making his smile lightly.

"But you said I'm dead so how can I go to my world?"

[If host have enough energy then host can go back before the accident and pereveny it from happening. If the accident doesn't happen then host can live happily]

"Is that so? Btw what's your name ?"

[Host, i don't have any name. But host can give one if he wants.]

"Ok then, i will call you little cutie. And you can call me Noah"

He then grabbed the ball and held it in his lap and asked.

"Can you explain more about the mission?"

[Yes host, there will be different type of small worlds ranking from S, A, B, C, D, E and F. The F rank being the lowest and easiest world and S rank being the highest and hardest world. Every story plot will be given to you after entering the world. Then you will be given mission based on the wish of the body you'll be entering. There will be four missions for each world first the Main Mission which you've to complete it otherwise you'll be punished. Second is the Side mission, you can choose to not complete this mission. There can be one side mission or more than one. Third is the Hidden Mission, for this one host have to trigger this mission yourself. But if host can't there's no problem. And the last is the  Rescue Mission. This mission will be related to the wish of the body the host will occupy. We have to complete the main mission and the rescue mission, or the main mission and 50% of any side mission.]

"Hmm. The will i get any reward for completing the mission."

[ Yes host, for completing each mission you will get points. Apart from points you will also collect the energy from each world. For the first world, it will be a novice world. You will get three chance. But if host fail to complete the mission three times then you will be forever trapped in the system.]

How many points will I get from each mission?

[That depends on the rank of the world. Lowest rank has low points and the more you go higher the points will be higher]

"Ok. I understand. Then let's not waste time. Let's get started little cutie."

[Okay host. Are you ready for your first world?]

"Yes let's go."

[Enter the world.

Noah clicked on yes.

[ Transferring to the first word 1%......28%.......50%....79%....100% ]

A large black hole appeared under him and sucked him into it. Everything turned black.

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