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"1....2....3...4...5...6" i counted as i walked down the sidewalk, i counted each patch of concrete, one step per patch.

"13...14...15..." i had about 15 more patches to walk over before i got home, i didn't live very far but for my little legs, it's quite a walk.

i should add at this point in my story i was 7, about to turn 8. i was in 3rd grade and i was the top of my class, i was the best at spelling and multiplying. it was also the last month of school and it was finally warm out again, i was wearing jean shorts with little pink flowers on them with one of my sisters shirts she gave me, i don't really remember what it was but i remember the shorts.

"24...25...26...27" i counted, almost home. i just had to cross the street and threw my backyard and i was home.

the back of the house faced the school.

"28...29...3-" i said before being pulled back by my backpack

"HEY" i yelled thinking it was another kid trying to mess with me, but it wasn't

"shhh" the big man spoke, he had a mask covering half of his face, he had black smudge all around his big blue eyes and had messy hair, he dragged me by my arm to a bunch of trees and tried to pick me up

"no i don't wanna go" i fought, i punched and kicked him and tried to scream but he covered my mouth and then i passed out, i don't remember anything else from that day, i know because the next time i woke up it was winter.

i heard voices from another room but i couldn't open my eyes, i couldn't move i couldn't do anything but sit there and listen..

it felt like years waiting for whatever to come and hurt me, i tried to think well but i really couldn't.

i heard someone talking but it wasn't english, i didn't know what language it was i didn't know any other language.

it was dark for many days, i don't know how long i was in the darkness for but i do know it was a very long time

once i finally saw light again i was thrown into a room, my body felt heavy like i was 20 pounds heavier

i saw a floating purple crystal and heard a voice, it was a women's that sounded like she wanted to help me. the voice was coming from what sounded like behind the crystal

i went up to it slowly scared what might happen

i touched the crystal as the voice told me too, but i was literally blown back ten feet onto my butt.

i don't know what came over me but i was mad, i stood up and went back to the crystal and grabbed it in my hand.

i felt myself floating up and knew that it wasn't a good thing and i thought i was going to die.

but the crystal threw me back down but this time i saw the orange color fade to a dark pink, not red or magenta but a evil like pink

i saw a muscular women with a mask covering half of her face, she had a scar on her eye and had dark blonde hair like me, it kinda looked like me in a way

i then blinked and the moment of magic faded and a bunch of big men ran in and picked me up, they carried me a ways away and then set me down on a table.

they poked me with a bunch of different things and i kept squirming to get away but all my attempts failed.

they then set me on my feet and pushed me into a metal box like machine and i got really cold.  when i woke up what i thought was the next morning i was thrown into a cell.

this was the first time i've been alone the whole time i was taken. i crawled to a corner and rested my back against the cold cement wall pans pulled me legs to my chest, i felt huge.

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