Chapter One

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All was quiet inside the apartment, no noise at all or at least minimal noises. Atlas was alone with her Cane Corso, Panther. Panther was gifted to her for her eighteenth birthday from her parents. Sam was currently out at a Halloween party. Atlas would've gone with him if it wasn't for her shift at work. So, she had stayed home and was planning to stay awake for whenever Sam would get home. Atlas walked into the bedroom and to her set of drawers, getting out a set of pjs to change into. Everything in her set of drawers were hand me downs from her older brother, Noah. Atlas grabbed a plain blue shirt and some black pj shorts. Changing from the current clothes she was wearing and into her pjs, she felt a little more relaxed. Picking up her clothes from the floor, she walked out of the bedroom and into the the bathroom, placing her clothes into the washing basket.

With that done, she moved back to the bedroom and laid down on her side of the bed. Panther, on the other hand, laid down on his dog bed as he was trained to do. Atlas didn't know when Sam would be home, but she didn't mind waiting for him to get home. In the meantime, she stayed on the bed and grabbed her Nintendo ds from the nightstand next to her. She checked the game card that she had in, seeing that she hadn't changed it from Nintendogs. She inserted the game card again as she turned the console on. By pressing 'A', the game had opened and she started looking after virtual dogs that she had. She remembered getting the console from Sam on their sixth dating anniversary and she was grateful for it.

As she played the game, she occasionally looked over at Panther to see how he was doing. Panther, despite the light being on, was happily sleeping on his dog bed. Atlas looked back at her virtual dogs, taking the three of them for walks individually and did everything that she did normally with Panther. Well, minus the competition part of it. She never entered Panther into a competition and probably never would. Atlas occasionally saved the game as she played along. She was so focused on the game that hearing her phone ring from the living room made her jump slightly. She got up from the bed and like usual, Panther instantly followed her out to the living room. Having not been moved where she had placed it, she picked it up and looked at the caller id, smiling when she saw Sam's name. She was quick to answer the call and brought the phone to her ear.

"Hey babe," she said.

"Hey Las," he replied. Even over the phone, Atlas could see the smile on his face.

"How's the Halloween party?" she asked, "Are you having fun?"

"It's average," Sam said, "And no, I'm not having fun. I would have more fun if you were here."

"I'm sure it would be," Atlas replied, "I promise I'll make it to the next one."

"You better," he said, "Things are always more fun with you around." Despite the six years of being together, Sam was still able to make her blush from the compliments he makes.

"I'm sure it would be," she said.

"Yes it would," Sam replied, "Anyway, I'm calling to say that I'll be on my way home soon. Don't wait up for me though. I don't want you being too tired for work tomorrow."

"I promise I won't stay up too late," Atlas responded, "I love you."

"I love you too," he said. The two of them hung up and Atlas placed both her phone and Nintendo ds on the coffee table, sitting on the floor afterwards. Panther sat in front of her as she placed her hands on either side of his face.

"Looks like," she said, "We'll be staying up for a bit." A little wag of Panther's tail was all he did to respond. Atlas placed a little kiss on his nose before getting her ds from the table and moved to the couch so she would be more comfortable. She laid down on the couch, facing in the general direction of the front door. Panther stayed where he was, though went from sitting to laying down. Atlas focused on her virtual dogs. While there was only so much she could do in the game, she wanted to pass the time between now and when Sam would get home. She could watch something on tv but how many times would she change the channel when bored? She wasn't sure. So, playing Nintendogs would pass the time more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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