Chapter 1

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The sound of slaps can be heard filling the rooftop of the building.

Sabina (the daughter of the mayor of B city) sat on Xavier legs (her boyfriend and also the only son of one of the richest men in B city and the son of the Science and Art High School chairwoman) , both making out on a chair.

At a side, Rae (Sabina's friend and daughter of a single mother fashion designer) slaps Valentina (an orphan and a scholarship based student of Science and Art High school). 

Yvon (son of a business man) stood at a side with a light cigarette between his lips looking far into the city light while the sound of slaps echo along with a muffled whimpers.

Sabina stood up with a chuckle and walked towards Rae.

" damn that felt so good " Rae said shaking her hand, backing a few steps away from Valentina who glares at the two girls. 

" what are you looking at b**ch" Rae scowls.

Sabina chuckles and walks closer to Valentina " dirty rats acts like one, they don't easily take down their glare until they are tamed " she said and grab Valentina's hair, she trail her finger on the red lines on her fair cheek. 

" I am impressed, you did a good work " she said looking at Rae with a smirk. 

" I know right, looks like a piece of art " Rae replied. 

She nods and untied the cloth between Valentina mouth. 

" got something to say " she asked with a smirk. 

" why are you doing this to me " Valentina sobs

" I hate your presence " she answered straight. 

" you are making no sense " Valentina said

" yes " she answered. 

" you are crazy " Valentina scowls with bloodshot eyes. 

" Rae " she called. 

Rae walked closer, grab her hair and bang her head on the rail. 

Sabina stepped back with her hand akimbo waiting for Rae to discipline the girl. 

" Rae " she called, satisfied with the beating 

Rae dropped her on the floor leaving her wounded she walked towards Yvon.

" cigarette " she asked, Yvon look at her and handed  her one from his pouch with a lighter. 

She took a deep suck before puffing out. 

Valentina struggles with the rope tying her hand behind her, Sabina bent in front of her and pull some strands of hair sticking to her face with blood, tears and sweats.

" only if , you weren't stubborn and allowed me to tame you gently, you wouldn't suffer all this pain. " she said 

Valentina look at her in the eyes, and shift her gaze to Xavier who sat lazily on the pile of woods, looking at them, she look towards the rooftop door, calculating her escape. 

She struggle with the rope again, realizing that it has loosen up a bit enough to free her hand, she look back at Sabina with hatred. 

She smirks " I think I will become your worst nightmare instead ".

" I will love to see you try but that is, if you didn't end up as my pet " Sabina replied fixing Valentina hair behind her hair gently. 

She took the opportunity to grab her hand and bite her, Sabina screams making Xavier jump to his feet getting closer to them, she pushed her to him distracting him,  she sprint towards the door.

Staring at the door with hope as the distance shorten, a pull on her scalp withdrew her back to the ground as she rolled down the floor, curl up feeling the invited pain, dulled immediately by adrenaline. 

She looked up, it was Yvon with a sinister smirk on his face.

" sh*t I forgot that he was an athlete " she thought.

he put his hand in his pocket and looked back at Sabina.

" caught your rat " he said lazily 

She looked back, watching Sabina in her hurried steps towards her.

She struggle up with determination trying to escape from her but that seems late. 

" come here, b**ch. I've had enough of your nonsense " Sabina said grabbing her hair pulling her up

She felt the harsh tug on her hair and held her hair to relieve the pressure on her scalp.

" it is now or never " she thought, she turned back and grabbed Sabina hair making her squeal.

Rae pulled her closer to her and land her a punch. She staggered back while the two girls went on her. 

The fight was rough while the guys just watch the show, she didn't give up despite the beating until Rae hit her head with a plank of wood. 

She staggered back holding her head,  vision blurry, she supported her self with the low concrete rail.

" thud thud thud " she heard the approaching hurried steps, she looked up and saw a blurry presence charging towards her, with a sickening feeling of fear, she swayed backward after a hit. 

Hitting the ground, she gave her last breath with eyes staring into the gloomy

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