Chapter 1

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I sighed, pacing back and forth, nervous, as the Sun wolves were coming, and Mother wanted everything perfect. Even me.

 Luna burst in, making me jump. She scowled at me, and I flinched at her severe gaze.

 "Mother would like it if you would at least act fierce and like a warrior not a little, cowardly, peace loving dragonet," she spat in my face. 

"I know! I'll try, jeez!" I yelped, somewhat scared she would try to use her frost breath on me. I had seen what it could do. The memory of the dragon's screams of pain made me shiver.

 "They'll be here in 30 minutes. Try to act dignified for our family honor, if you can," she smirked. "I will be dignified you-" I was cut off by hearing the click of small claws and the sweep of furry tails. 

"What? You going to finish that?" Luna snarled. "They're here!" I whisper yelled. Soon enough, we were downstairs, and I was nervous, but not showing it at all.


I looked up at the dragons. I was supposed to be dignified, and make no trouble.

 One caught my eye though. A dragon with strange scales- hold up, were his scales golden?! 

That was the color I was supposed to be. Keyword, supposed. 

I'm a silver wolf in a golden wolf pack.

"We have brought our suitor for Princess Luna, I hope she will accept our best wolf, Prince Kosuke," Momma said.

"I suppose he shall suffice," Queen Natsumei murmured. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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