Dream That Wasn't A Dream...

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As the mundane of this world was plagued with sleep, I was rewarded with the secrets of their dreams. Every moment became a dream's remembering, encased in the walks of recollections. My times of journeys forgotten were no more. The thoughts of lost were found, to be faced by newness of my eyes. Those were the phases where choas became familiar, a continuity of worlds flashing like lightning insights within a random slience. The veil of ignorance was lifted for me to see and pressed upon my lips like wedding vows. You see, I was married to her and her to me, a revealation that came a night of theta.

I had rendered my body motionless as the rhythm of heart became audible. As the sound wrapped my ears, the subtleness of veins became louder. My world was clothed with darkness. I was comforted by the nothingness and slience. No desire. No responsibilities. No personality. I loved the fast from existence for awhile, like sinking into the ocean without the drowning. I was in love with the death of stimuli and held it like a child. As this naked feeling seized me, a truth was revealed to me cutting through the slience: "All is dream, Truth is crafted". Such a phrase appeared and a bridge with it.

Behind me, I saw a reflection of my body asleep within my rocking chair and in front of me was a great double door of indigo marble with no handles. Without hesitation, I walked up to the door and immediately it opened. Upon its steady openess, I was greeted by the grandeur of an  sliver arch as tall as mountains with stairs leading to a place in a distance.

The stairs had cymatic water walls on each side that moved and rippled. Without hesitiation, I proceeded to climb the stairs, curious of what I would discover. Nevertheless, I instantly found what I was looking for. The moment my feet kissed the first step, I felt lightning pierce my body like sudden chill after a realization. Like a voice from Heaven, I heard, "Light your light with me. Light your light with me. See me as I see," coming from the top of the stairs. As I pointed my eyes in the voices' direction, a flash of a woman with green eyes and red hair came into memory. "What and who is this," I thought while continuing to climb the staircase. Halfway up the staircase, I instantly felt a presence wrap around me like hug of love and holt my venture. It pressed against my chest like a woman listening to man's heartbeat. I noticed my breathing instinctly reach down to my core, welcoming the intensity. In the presence's loving embrace, I ventured onward. The voice I heard before has to be responsible. Its warmth that brushed my face like the steam of tea and ignited me further as I reached the top.

Once there, I found the unexpected woman. Nethertheless, he was as relaxed as a dreamer despite the strange imprisonment that befalled her. Upon her face was a veil with chains at her wrists, shackled to the entrance of what looks like a cave. Somehow I know she was waiting but couldn't innerstand why. After my moments of my observation, she looks up at me through the indigo veil. "Ahsama Allahba, do you still not remember me?" the woman said. At the sound of her voice, I found my body drop to the knees until her pressure. "I remember you to forget me and I forget me to remember you." As the words formed as if from memory, my body moved in her direction, "I prepare a place for you so I may leave my own, forgetting what I think I know to know you". I can see smile through the like the moon glowing behind the clouds. Her presence gave me no time to fully process what was happening. "You have seen and not remembered. You have looked and not recognized. You know me but do not know so free me as yourself. For yourself you will know through me." said the women as she opened her arms to recieve me. Her touch was cushioned in pillows while her voice pierced me like swords. She continued at a whisper, "Let go of what you know, cherish and depend on." This woman allowed me in her arms despite her chains. My tears came like rain and with every drop a memory emerged, scenes that clashed with what I thought I knew of myself. I saw moments of child me and a girl together, creating art of all forms and performing supernatural acts (to my current awareness). I was crying my way into recieving what I had forgetton. I heard my child self in the memory call the girl "Iysyle". When I heard that name, I remembered me as a child calling my imaginary friend "Iysyle" and instantly wondering where she had gone. In that moment, a question from deep within me come from my lips, "Iysyle, is that you?" Immediately, the woman lifted her veil and kissed him on the lips saying "If you choose to remember...". When I glimpsed into her eyes I knew my answer....

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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