the beginning.

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hi, i'm toby, as some of you may know me. and this, is my experience with family dysfunction.  the first "issue" that had ever started was the fighting, my mother, and father have never really been happy together, but they still stay together, they'd fight over the simplest things, such as my father not "doing the dishes," or my mother "not buying the right foods"  i was fairly young when i experienced escalated, fairly quick, they didn't get physical, so they kept hurting each other mentally, this drove my mother to drink from time to time. a few months later. it was about 12AM, they argued, and it turned from arguing to a screaming  match, my mom tried to take me, but i didnt go, neither did she. but soon after they decided to split up, no divorce, just a break from each other, my mom seen other guys while i stayed with my dad's mom. they got back together and the fighting stopped, or so i thought, we moved shortly after they got back together. my mental health declining rapidly, and neither of them noticed, i tried to talk to them but, they refused, to have anything to do with me or my little brothers. so it was practically my job to take care of the family, all my mom had done was drink. and my dad? he worked. me and my mom, got close for a hot second, only for her to tell me my father wasnt my real father, and i was a complete mistake, i never got to meet my real father, he had OD on drugs a few eyars before, i was quite upset but. it didnt matter. My mom and dad had started being possessive.I, myself never had any say so, or anything whatsoever, everyime i had said something "i was back talking?" or being "a smart ass".  Which wasn't understandable, my mom had me at a very young age, getting pregnant at 17, having me at 18.  


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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