Chapter 1

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Chapter One

To be honest, Gandalf has had quite enough with these dwarves. They were always complaining, and always fighting. The only person who seemed to be even the slightest bit positive was Bilbo, their small hobbit burglar.

Now Gandalf could understand why certain members--*cough* Thorin *cough*--could be agitated. They were on their way from Boern's and would soon be heading into Mirkwood; elven territory. But this bickering was getting to be too much!

The small journey from the Skin-Changer's home into the dreaded woods of the elven forest was supposed to take a week at most. But because a certain raven haired king couldn't seem to get his head out of his arse, they were at least two days behind. The company was moving aggravatingly slow, and at this rate they'd never reach Erobeor by Durin's Day.

"I'm telling you, Thorin! Mirkwood is that way!"

"Well according to the map that I'm holding, it's this way!"

"For Mahal's sake, you're holding it upside down!!! Here, let me hold it!"

"No! I'm the leader!"

It appeared that even old, wise Balin had lost his patience. Gandalf couldn't help but roll his eyes at the dwarrow's childish techniques.

A cough forced passed the wizard's lips reminding him of his other problem: His cold. He hadn't caught one in nearly 50 years, and now he seemed to be having a slight temperature. It was making the wizard feel awful, and drawing his patience right thin.

"I'm actually on Balin's side. You do have a rather bad sense of direction."

"What?! Dwalin, I can't believe you just said that!!"

"Thorin, calm down--"

"Don't tell me to calm down, Halfling!"

At the king's insult towards the small Hobbit, Gandalf finally had enough. He stood with a loud stomp of his staff. The area fell silent as he began to rant.

"Thorin, you are a king! It's about damn time you act like one, and not like a bratty child! We're already late enough as it is, now pass Balin the map so we can get to Mirkwood as quickly as--"

He was cut off by the sudden need to sneeze. "Ah--"

Thorin look at the wizard with wide eyes as he recognized the sound. "Take cover!" He called out. The company instantly began to hide behind trees and rocks. Bilbo simply stood there confused.

"Why, he's only going to--"

"CHOO!!!" As Gandalf sneezed, he accidentally swung his staff forwards, unleashing a ball of magic that created a blinding light.

When the light finally faded, everyone slowly came out of hiding. "Is everyone okay?" The wizard asked with a sniffle. There was a chorus of yeses and simple grunts before Bofur said something that grabbed everyone's attention.

"Where's Bilbo?"

They all looked from the hatted dwarf, to the place where Bilbo was standing. All they found was a pile of Bilbo's clothes that were...breathing?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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