Chapter 1 - The Game

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Today was the day the last 2 exams were happening for everyone in my year group. Me and my friends didn't take those subjects so we decided to throw a little party. The party would be at Derricks place. I knew the layout of the house, and where he kept his stash of special don't-tell-your-parents juice. He asked me to come over early to help set up, and we made sure the party was good. Derricks parents have been out of town for ages, and won't be back for a while. They're on vacation in Spain since Derrick "needs room to study" or something like that.

The party was small. We invited Ben, Sarah, and Tate. A game of truth or dare was started, and a few things happened. Sarah dared Tate to kiss her. He chickened out, and got Ben to say who his crush is, when we found out he had a crush on another boy at school. This was his way of coming out to us as gay. At first, this was very unexpected, however everyone quickly began supporting him.

That's when I made the mistake of opening my fat mouth. "I mean, it's not like you're any different than the rest of us Ben, a gay person isn't much different from a straight person other than liking other guys."
He then turned to me. "In that case, Matt, Truth or Dare?" he asked, ready for my response.

"Okay... I dare you to start a game of gay chicken with Derrick."
As he said this my jaw dropped in shock, but I quickly snapped out of it. "Yeah, okay, that's easy enough. Provided Derrick is fine with it?" I turned to Derrick, and put on a fake smile. The kind of smile that says get me out of this situation man. However, he smirked, his blue eyes slightly glinting at the chance for a competition.
"I'll play, handsome." Crap! The games had already started. In an attempt to get this done and over with, I approached him and put one arm around him.
"Well in that case, let's see how long you can last."
"Well geez, at least take me out to dinner first!" When he says this, my face flushes red.
"Before this goes further can you establish the rules, Ben?" I turn to him, very annoyed.
"Well lets see..." he started thinking of what the rules were. "As long as the game is on, you two have to act like a gay couple, whether or not others are around. Of course, only you guys will know what happens when we aren't around, so swear you'll play fair?"
Me and Derrick both swear on our own lives that all play will be fair.
"Good," Ben continued. "In that case, shall we continue truth or dare? Neither of you got a turn."
Derrick turns to me. "I think we'll be fine without our turns, right handsome?"
I put my arms around him. "You're damn right, cutie-pie."
Sarah takes a photograph of us. "You guys are just the cutest couple!"
My eyes are locked on Derricks. In my mind I'm thinking about how I should've won by now, but when I speak all that comes out is "Damn right we are."
Suddenly Tate spoke for the first time since getting dared to be kissed. "You know, I just wonder what would happen if we left you two alone," he said teasingly. I immediately turn to him very angrily.

Derrick looks at his watch. "Welp, looks like you guys should get going." He turns to me. "It's a shame I'll have to kick you out. I'd just love to have you stay." I fake-flirtatiously say goodbye to Derrick and leave. As I do, I can't help but wonder about how far he'll go, and more importantly, if I can one-up him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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