Chaos will be eternal

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A "random" OC's Pov:

It was a normal day on Hogwarts, well it was supposed to be, and it was, atleast until Harry got shot in the leg on acident. The boy who did it claims that he had no intention of shooting Harry, but I dont trust him, why did he even have a gun?


" Then why did you have a gun, this is a school,"

" Exactly how should I know that this is a school?"

" If you dont remember, you just rode the Hogwarts express here."

" I just rode The-what-now-Fucking-train here?"

" The Hogwarts express, the train from-"

" I was fighting the guy over there for gods sake!!"

I look in the direction the boy is pointing and spot a man, mayby 18-19 years old, with white hair, some kind of weird earings and purple eyes wiping blood from his already red jacket. I've never seen anyone with clothes like their before, it looks so weird, but still so cool.

When every one is gathered in the big I-dont-know-what-its-called the principal, Alfred Dubbledoor or something like that starts talking, he says that this year we will have extra students, they are right now a bit unstable but soon the will addapt and no one has to worry.

Chifuyu's POV:

I look around and realise that we are in a book called Harry Potter. But before I'm able to say this to anyone, the principal calls a name from his list.

" Ryuguji, Ken."

We dont really know what to do but I yelled at him in Japanese to sitt on the chair and wait till tha hat had spoken. Everyone seamed pretty weirded out by this but Draken did as I said, thanks to the Mother for that. When the hat got placed on his head he tensed up a little, before he chilled out. His coolnes did not last long however, becuse the hat started speaking.

"Hm, I see, you have lost someone.... I think you belongs the best in... GRYFFINDOR!"

A table of teenagers with red and yellow on their ties stood up and started cheering at him, fortunantly he had understod what to do so he walked over to the table and sat down.

"Mitsuya, Takashi."

Mitsuya walked and sat down on tha chair too, the sorting hat, as it was called, was in thought for quite a moment until it voiced its finnal decision.


The table filled with the blue ties stood up and cheered for him as he made his way to their table. I guess we would be separeted no matter what we did. So I might have to make it on my own.

"Hanagaki, Takemichi."

When The Hat is placed on Takemichis head its quiet it starts mumbling things in japanese and Takemichi starts slightly shaking.

" What could this be? Are you really this young? Hm, no you arent... It has to be... GRYFFINDOR!"

We all exhale when Takemichi finnaly sits down on his and Drakens table. Noting lasts long however, becuse the next name that gets called out.

"Matsuno, Chifuyu."

I walk over to the chair and quietly sits down on it, when the hat is placed over my head it covers my eyes and ears. Then I hear a voice in my head and my worst memories gets dragged up. I relive Baijs death just like in my dreams. I'm most likely shaking slightly but when the hat is about to shout out its decision I almost falls of the chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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