Roller Rink Date

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That afternoon, you decided to take your girlfriend Wednesday out on a date. At the nearby roller rink. You thought it'd be fun. Albeit, probably risking everyone's lives in there.

Maybe you could've ordered a private night just for the two of you.
And maybe that would eventually end up  with your girlfriend burning the place down anyway, so . . .

You placed two plates with thick slices of pizza accompanied by sauces. Two for you pair.

"Pepperoni, just the way I like it!" You said, enthusiastic.

You pushed a plate over to Wednesday, at the opposing chair.

She looked down at her slice, as you started munching on your own.

"This reminds me of the time I stashed the remains of an enemy's head in a pizza box." Wednesday said very blankly.

Which was usual, even for you.

But then you gasped, spitting out a piece of pizza you were eating.

"DUDE!" You said. "I'm eating, and you're making me imagine this-"

"I thought gruesome things didn't faze you?" Wednesday asked.

You sighed. "Well, no. Movie gore doesn't make me sick, yeah. But real life gore makes me . . . " You made a puking sound.

"And you know I have a hyperactive imagination, right? Can't give me these ideas while eating . . . " You said.

"I suppose I could train you in that field." Wednesday said.

"Oh? Let me guess, you'll kill someone, torture someone for me? I get it." You said.

"Actually, considering I just finished training in that ROTC program. And through all shit I've been through? Gotta get used to seeing it." You said.

"Why haven't you eaten your slice?" You asked.

"You know I don't like to eat." Wednesday said.

"You're just starving yourself, come on." You told her.

Later at the rink, you helped her put on roller blades for the first time.

"If they are called roller blades. Then where are the blades?" Wednesday said.

You raised a brow, locking in her roller blades.

"No blades. It's just wheels. They roll, but no blades. No idea why." You said.

"It's disappointing." Wednesday said.

"Like that time my Dad and I thought this casino called E-games was a computer shop for gamers." You said.

As her roller blades were set, you took her hand to help her off the chair. And into the rink you two went, skating together.

"Casinos are fun." Wednesday said.

"How do you know? We're not even old enough for them yet?" You said.

"I hear fights can break out the most in them. Not very different from bars." Wednesday said.

"You'd be surprised, but gamers can be as violent." You said.

"Really?" Wednesday said. She looked at you, her usual dull expression was flattering to you, it being directed at you.

"You're a gamer. Once again, I'm reminded of why I admire you." She said

You smiled sweetly. "You're cut out to be one too, you know that?" You spoke warmly to her. "I think you'd love GTA, Left 4 Dead 2, and Dead by Daylight." You said.

"GTA? Does that stand for Grand Theft Auto?" She asked.

"Anyway, these roller blades need modification." Wednesday stopped and looked down at her blades.

"Let me guess, you'll replace them with actual blades?" You said.

"I'm considering it." She looked at you.

"Nuh-uh." You shook your head. "We could get kicked out of here."

Then you two looked at eachother.

You started to giggle. "But where's the fun in that, right?"

"I don't have time to do that, anyway." Wednesday said.

"Come on." She said, punching your stomach. Which caught you off guard.
You grunted, as you soon followed her out of the rink.

Then the next thing you knew, you two were at the abandoned amusement park. Which was close to the rink, closed off limits so you two had to be sneaky.

You followed her there, knew how she loved places like this.

"I find these things fascinating too, you know?" You said, hands on hips as you approach her. She had her back turned.

"Thank you for accompanying me, (Y/N)." Wednesday said.

"Hey, anytime. Bro." You said, with a chuckle after the bro.

"What does one say in this type of situation?" Wednesday said.

"Like what?" You said.

"Three words. Emotions. Ring any bells?" She asked.

You knew what that was.

[ I love you. ]

But to you, these words were salts on this wound you had deep inside.
You looked down, slowly nodding.

"Yeah. I know that." You said.

"I know you're not fond of them. I also took us here, as you and I both share a dislike towards public displays of affection." She said.

You nodded. Only seeing the back of her head, but you admired to hear from her dark sunken heart.

"Thank you too." You said.

"What shall I use, then?" Wednesday turned around to face --- and look at you. Into your eyes.

You two lost focus, staring into eachother's soul windows.

"Whatever you want that doesn't have the words: love, or like in it." You smiled.

She stepped closer to you, taking your hands.

"Then . . . "
   " . . . (Y/N), I absolutely, deeply . . . "
she started.

" . . . hate you." Wednesday finished. Her eyes looking up at you.

You laughed happily, smiling down at her. Tightly gripping her hands.

She wasn't a fan of physical contact. But because she knew you liked that, she'd let you have it.

"Well, the truth is I hate you too." You said.

Her eyes were wide, gazing into yours.
She pulled you in for a hug.

No kiss needed. Even if you two had a chance at it, that's not what you wanted.

You wanted to be in her arms. That was it.

Passionately, you wrapped your arms around her as well.

You really, really, really, like her. Just never wanted to call it love even if it is. That seemed weird, but this was perfect because she didn't mind that at all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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