The death of nicolas

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Death cause:was tranning decarion and his son

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Death cause:was tranning decarion and his son. Timothy to be a very powerful warrior until all of a sudden they heard a scream when they ran to the sight they found that it was fake nicolas pushes his grandson and his son out the way causing him to get stabbed by a uknown weapon decarion went to go find him but Nicolas told him to stop and that it was. It worthy but on his final words where these spikes that pierced was a spike that came from a killers hand and that killer was prime decarion decarion felt shock waves all around him he then remembers he killed him like 4 years ago but it felt like 25 years Timothy looks at his father and back at his grandpa and his dad says Timothy it's time rush your grandpa to a neirest hospital Timothy said me why me his father got into a rate of rage and said if you don't do it he is gonna be mad and force him his son said ok in a sad voice and rushed him to a nearby hospital while decarion went to go warn the others about the dangerous prime minister and then everyone knew that there would've been 2 dead bodies decarion and Nicolas luckily Nicolas survived while decarion was viseted by him from other dimensions and began to fight prime decarion

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