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This is sucky because I suck at writing progules but hope you guys atleast like the idea enough to continue reading.

Don't ask me if the ages don't match up because I don't want to fucking do math therefor just imagine.

This chapter was sloppy put together but you guys probably know the drill in this!

A long long time ago in the westos a group of people woke up groggily in a mysterious room.

The room was plain and simple with a huge wooden table in the middle and a pile of 8 books on the center of the table.

The people in the room slowly awake confused and dazied on where they were and what was happening.

"What is the meaning of this?"

As everyone agured and went through where they last were, Lyanna Stark edged closer to the table cautiously grabbing the note off the top of the books.

Reading it over carefully she then announced to the agureing room. "We are here to read books about the future!"


Ned Stark

Lyanna Stark

Brandon Stark

Benjen Stark

Rickard Stark

Lyarra Stark

Catelynn Tully

Lord Tully

Petyr Baelish

Lord Lannister

Jamie Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Lysa Tully

Rhaegar Targaryen

Jon Arryn

This will be finished unless the fanfiction cruse gets to me. Slow updates are to be expected (expesically when I start school agian) and I love to write and build on character realtionships.

This account went from supposed to be showcasing all my books to basically just holding all my reaction stories (because I am mentally ill).

The only reason they won't read all the books is if Geroge RR Martin doesn't finish the fricking books.

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