Are you cheating on Mina with Him.?

Sero pov

I started to panic. Shit! He would most definitely tell Mina! I'm not ready to break up with anyone yet. As I'm staring at the message trying to think of how I should reply I got a knock on my door. "Babe! You prepared for our movie night!" Mina says from the other side of the door. Then my phone started ringing, it was Kiri, I could already tell he was pissed at me. I ignored his calls and ran to the door as Mina kept knocking. I opened the door and she walked in and plopped down in my bed. "What movie you wanna watch baby?" I ask as I shut my door. "Mm maybe the new Spider-man movie! Since you love spider-man so much!" She says with a giggle. My phone started ringing again, kiri, I picked my phone up and ran to the bathroom and answered. "Yea-" I was cut off by Kiri yelling. "Why the fuck didn't you answer my text.!" Yup he's pissed. "Listen I'm sorry man I was in the shower I didn't have my phone with me at the moment.." I say calmly trying not to start a big loud argument with the red head. " were cheating weren't you?!" He says angrily. "I wasn't, I was in the shower! I swear!" I yell back. "Whatever..I'll just ask Denki, he never lies to me.. Just know, if you ARE cheating on her and using Kami for sex..." he says before dramatically pausing. " going to fuckin' kill you." he threatened, kinda sounding like bakugo. "Alright man!.." I say before hanging up.

Damn..he definitely hates me now. I walk out of the bathroom and sit on my bed and turn on the spider-man movie. Mina laid her head on my shoulder and cuddles up with my spider-man plushie. After the movie I turn the TV off and look over towards Mina and I see she fell asleep. I lie her down gently in my bed as I sit off the edge and check my phone before going to bed. All the notification I got was just other classmates posting pictures of them hanging out with friends from earlier today, on Instagram so I just swiped them all away, cuddled up to Mina and fell asleep.

Kami pov

I'm chilling in my dorm playing some Mario Cart when I suddenly get a call from kiri. "Hey man! How's it going wanna come to my dorm and play some Mario Cart?" I ask Him after answering the phone. "Yeah, I want to talk to to you anyways." He says before hanging up. "Ok man!" I say not realizing he already hung up. Shortly after I hear a knock on my door. I pause my game get up and open the door. "Hey man!" I say putting my hand up for our handshake but he just walks right past me instead. "Hey man you ok?" I say as I sit beside him on my bed and put a hand on his back. "Be honest Denki..please.." he looks at me dead in the eyes. "Are you and Sero hooking up?..and is he cheating on Mina?" He says. I can't lie to him he's my best bro! "I..I.." I stutter out looking down at my hands and nervously messin with the skin around my nails. " can't keep seeing know that right? He's in a relationship already all your doing is ruining what they have..." kiri says patting my back. "I..I know...but..I love him..and..he's amazing.. I can't...I don't wanna..leave him.." I say as I started crying. "Denks.." he says as he pulls me in a hug. "You shouldn't stay with someone that's using you.." he says. "H-he isn't using me.."I muttered out. "Denks..think about it...he's only hooking up with you to have sex..that's using someone.." he says as he puts both his hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes again.

"You gotta break it off with more Sneaking off with him alright..?" He says. "O-ok I guess." I say whipping my tears away. Even tho I knew me and Sero planned to hook up tomorrow. Ima have to make it a normal friend sleepover. I'm going to tell him I won't cheat with him anymore. I feel really bad for Mina..I never meant for this to happen..I wanted him to reject me so I could move on, but instead we made out. "I know you really like Sero but..during Training next week I'm kicking his ass for cheating on Mina, and using my best bro." He says while he pops his nuckles. I gave a small chuckle and we started playing Mario Cart and had a bbff (best bro friend forever) sleepover, we made it up when we were first years but thats what the boys in the Bakusquad has called it ever since.

!smutty dream!

"Miss me~" he said as he started kissing and biting my neck. "Ngh~ y-yes!" I moaned. He pushed me on his bed and pulled my shirt off. He started trailing kisses and bites down my torso. "Fuck~!" I moan. "Do you like being tied up?~" he asked. "Y-yea~" I panted. "Good~" he says as he tapes my hands above my head on the bedframe. He asks for consent and then continued to strip me and him. Once we were both naked he began to thrust in.

☆end of smutty dream☆

I woke up and set up panting. I saw Kiri standing up texting someone. "Oh hey!" I say as I grabbed my water and started drinking it. "Bro..I don't know who you were dreaming about but you kept moaning..It wasnt Sero was it?.." he said turning around and looking at me. I spit my water out all over my bed. "I..uh..Mm..i..I don'!" I stuttered. "Bro. I told you to get over Sero..all your doing is making it's going to be harder to stop seeing him if you dream of him..!" He lectured. "I..I know..Im trying to getover him.." I say. "Ok well just remember to tell him you can't see him anymore, no more hook ups got it?" He said. "Yeah yeah I got it." I say.

As everyone was packing up to go home for the weekend I notice Sero walk to the bathroom after giving Mina a kiss and saying goodbye to her. I follow him to the bathroom so I can tell him that we're just friends from now on. I dont want to ruin his and Minas relationship. As I walk in I raise my arms in the air to stretch and yawn but instead get quickly taped to the wall. "H..hey!" I say as I try to get my hands free. "S-sero?" I ask as he walks up to me. He pecks my lips. "Hey~" he says before pecking a kiss on my lips again. "Stop..Sero..I..I need to..uh..tell you something..." I say. "What is it dear~" he says as he leans his head against my neck, breathing on it. "I.." I close my eyes and gulp, my face being blood red. "I..don't think..uh..we..should um..hook up..anymore..we should just be friends...s-sorry" I stutter. "Kiri told you to say that didn't he..?" He asks face to face again. "" I questioned myself. He leans back to my neck and bites it making me gasp a little. "Tell the truth.." he whispered. "Y-yes he did! But your happy with Mina I shouldn't interfere with y'alls relationship.!" I yell. He steps away, I guess he felt guilty. "R-right..y..yeah that makes since.." he seemed sad. Like he'd rather be with me. Did he fall out of love with Mina? Does he actually love me?! "Here let me untape you, sorry about that by the way.." he says before walking up to me about to untape me. We were face to face, I leaned in and kissed him. It then slowly became another makeout. We made out for a good 5 minutes before he heard the door shut. We both looked over and saw Kiri standing by the door staring at us.
His eyes were wide, I could tell he was traumatized by walking in on us, and also pissed that I didn't do what he said.


Words: 1452☆

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