rocroyal love story

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Hi my name is gia like the girl off of bad girls club. I love my name I have a big brother is name is corhan. were mixed with Mexican ,black  , porturican (sc).and Italian I have my own condo in the atl I live by my self its just me and my daughter. I work at a bank the biggest and most famous bank in the atl im 26 years old. I wanted to go to college but I had my daughter it was a mistake to have sex with her father but she is NOT a mistake her name is tyanni she's 3 months old.i love her so much she's my life. she's the best thing that ever happened to me. her dad issa Thompson he is a real douche for not seeing his daughter he's a man whore I hate him. after I told him I was pregnant he left and never came back.

This morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off I pressed the button and got outta bed I took a 30 min shower and I got dressed in my white button down and my black skirt that stops at my knees and I blow dried my hair and left it all fluffy I went to tyannis room to check on her and I set her outfit out so when she wakes up I can clean her up. I went to the kitchen and made me coffee and I put it in a mug.then I went back to tyannis room because I heard her cry a little I got her ready and I had a lanket rapped around her and I put her in the carseat and I tucked a blanket on her lap and I put another baby blanket over the car seat I grabbed her diaper bag and feed her before we left and I put my black high heels on and my jacket and I grabbed my keys and I got everything eles and left I took tyanni to daycare and I headed to my job.

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