Chapter 10: Flashback from the Past

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(Edited it)

Yeon-Hee's Pov:

After being a long slumber of sleep I have finally woke up. My head was distorted and my vision wasn't clear as I saw a man in front of me, I shook my head a little to get a better view of the surroundings. I looked up seeing the man who knew my name, he had dark purple hair, he was wearing a mask...

Why is he wearing that?

I couldn't speak because my mouth was taped, I screamed on the top of my lungs indicating him to get this tape off my mouth. He did eventually, I then reacted "What are you gonna-?!" before I could finish my sentence, he glared at me menacingly causing my spine to go shivering, it made me stop yelling.

He then said " Relax (Y/n)... I'm not going to hurt you, I'll just let you drink this potion " my breath was shaky, I just nodded to what he said. He made me gulp down the disgusting taste of the colored black potion...

My head was ringing so much. I could hear nothing but the ringing, my head spinned and my eyes became blurry, I must have passed out again.

What's this?

Why am I in a white room? I'm now released from being tied up in the chair, though I bet this is just an illusion. What is that guy planning huh?

I looked up ahead and saw a screen-like-wall placed in front of me, I walked closer and closer to it yet it seems to back away so I just stood in one place.

It then played a scene.

Is that me?! Who are those people?

It showed two people and three kids. I'm still quite confused as to why it showed my younger self, the other people's face weren't shown but I could tell they were having a fun time because they were laughing.

I just noticed me and the people lived in destitution, well it is true I did live a poverty life but I don't remember having these people by my side.

The two person's were working every single day, the house looked very dusty and they only had little amount of food and money left. I could see some other kids also suffering from poverty.

This country is not from here, it's from Korea. Korea may be a very happy country, yet some still have difficulties in their life.

I saw the three kids were hungry and the woman couldn't feed them anything because she had no money, I saw she was a maid but then got kicked out because she broke a very expensive vase accidentally.

I guess the house this woman worked at is rich, she had no other jobs left while the man is still hanging on.

Their stomachs growled saying they want to eat...

My heart ached when I saw how hard their living have been, but why am I in there?! Gosh how can I not figure it out? Before I could think further, I saw my mouth moving in the screen. It's saying something...

They bid their bye's to the woman who took care of them and went outside, they went to a market? They don't have-

Wait unless their planning to steal?! I was right they did steal. Before they could get caught they fled away and hid, the police were still searching for them, yet them who lived somewhere far from Seoul had managed to escape and get the food to the woman.

The other two felt like this was wrong, yet the little boy said "It's the only way we could survive... " The two kids didn't have any choice but to join the kid.

It was always like this every single day in order to survive the three kids had to steal. Though they left me behind, I wonder why is that?

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