I Dont Think A MP3 Player Could Help This Situation?

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Once Netero had explained the rules of his game, Killua was eager to get started. His feet shifted slightly before he launched into one of the assassination techniques he had learned, the rhythm echo. Mitsu watched intently as the boy executed the advanced technique with mastery.

Gon, sitting beside Mitsu, was filled with innocent excitement as he commented honestly, "Ouuu! There's so many of him!" Mitsu glanced over at the young boy, admiring his enthusiasm. She couldn't help but compare Gon's pure spirit to Killua's dull and boring personality.

Despite his advanced techniques, Killua was unable to retrieve the ball, jumping around Netero as the man easily dodged his attempts. Growing frustrated, Killua resorted to a powerful kick, aimed to disable Netero. Mitsu winced as she watched the immense force behind Killua's attack. Killua wasn't going to be able to shatter it.

With no time for a reaction, the man couldn't avoid Killua's kick. The boy cried out in pain and hopped around as his calf turned black and blue, and a large bruise started to form. Mitsu frowned as she approached him.

"Tag me, Killua!" urged Gon, and with Mitsu's help, Killua limped over to him. The girl leaned him against the wall and reached into her bag, pulling out an ice pack that she broke and wrapped in a towel before applying it to Killua's leg.

"Thanks," mumbled Killua, looking up at her as the cold instantly soothed his pain.

Meanwhile, Gon stretched out his muscles as Netero waited patiently for him. Netero frowned because he knew Gon wouldn't stand a chance at getting the ball from him, but he couldn't tell him that.

Suddenly, Killua's leg ached and he hissed, pressing the ice pack against it again as it began to slip. Mitsu gently moved his hands and fixed the ice pack, wrapping it tightly around his calf as he watched her diligently work. "Hey, Mimi," Killua said making a new nickname for her.

The girl paused her wrapping before continuing. She looked up as she finished the wrap "Yeah? Oh, sorry, did I tie it too tight? I'll redo it," she said while reaching for the ice pack.

"No, it's fine, but why are you so prepared for everything? It's like you know everything that's gonna happen," Killua asked, his eyes wandering over to Gon attacking Netero.

"I mean, you don't act like the type of person who would know how to help with wounds," Killua continued.

"Well when i was little i wanted to be a doctor and my brother was one so i wanted to be like him, but it looked boring when i got older so now i build stuff and it's pretty useful too since the things i make are really destructive-," Mitsu explained. half of it was true at least. it also helped that she already knew everything that was gonna happen.

Mitsu sighed and put her head in her hands, feeling embarrassed.

"That sounded so stupid, Mitsu," she thought to herself.

"I told you that you talk a lot," Killua snickered as he teased the poor blonde.

"Ugh, just shut up and pay attention," Mitsu said with a sigh and reached into her bag to grab her headphones once more.

Gon took off in a flash, his first step powerful as he suddenly jumped into the air, shocking Netero as an opening occurred.

Unfortunately, Gon had overestimated the height of the ceiling and came crashing into it head-first as his small chance at stealing the ball was squandered.

"Gon you idiot! We all know how high you can jump! Stop showing off!" Killua screamed as the boy who gave him an apologetic laugh, "Sorry!" The boy rubbed his head bashfully.

Killua just responded with a series of grumbles as he muttered, "You had him too, he let his guard down." Killua frowned as Netero looked away awkwardly.

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