Blocked V

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Robot Cory extended it's arms out and charges straight at Rexxvia. He quickly dodge sideways and the Robot charged straight into the wall.

Julian: Ok that's a new one.

Rexxvia: What do you mean "That's a new one?"

Julian: I mean we've never seen it behave like that before. Normally it just move like the robots from Joy of Creation, and it had NEVER opened up it's face, and the fact that it called you a "fake samurai" it probably shows how it treats those kind of people. But why did it call you a fake samurai?

Rexxvia: I stopped watching Cory Kenshin six years ago.

Kim: Great, that means the murder-bot will only focus on you.

Rexxvia: Let's just get out of here before that thing comes back.

Everyone leaves the room only to realize that they are one person short.

Kim: Wait, where's Yumi!?

Just as she says that they all heard screaming. They turned around and see Yumi running with the Robot Cory right behind her.

Julian: RUN!

Everyone started running across the corridor. Out of the four runners Yumi was the fastest, she ran passed Julian, then Kim, then Rexx.

She ran so fast until she was out of sight.

Rexxvia: Damn that girl can run. Is she in a track and field?

Kim: How should I know!?

The three made it to the foyer and Yumi is nowhere to be found, and now all the doors are barricaded.

Rexxvia: What the hell? those doors were not boarded up the first time I was here.

Julian: What's the point of barricading the doors in the first place? That thing can just burst through 'em.

Kim: And where did Yumi go this time?

Yumi's screaming can be heard once again the three look up and see her on the second floor with the robot getting closer.

Kim: YUMI!


As Rexx and Julian rush towards the staircase, bit they quickly realize that something is terribly wrong. The stairs that were once there, leading up to the second floor where Yumi is trapped, have been completely destroyed.

Rexxvia: What happened to the stairs!?

Rexx looks around frantically for any other way to reach Yumi, but all he sees are broken pieces of wood and debris scattered around the foyer. He realizes that they are trapped, with no clear way to reach Yumi and no way to escape.

Julian's face is etched with a look of terror as he too realizes they are stuck.

Julian: What the hell are we supposed to do now?

Kim's eyes dart around the room, searching for any possible solution. Then she spots a narrow wooden plank leaning against the wall.

Kim: "We can use that," she says, pointing to the plank. "We can create a makeshift bridge to reach the second floor."

Rexx and Julian look at each other, unsure of the plan but willing to try anything to save Yumi. Together, they grab the plank and carefully position it across the gap where the staircase once stood. It wobbles precariously under their weight, but they inch their way across, one step at a time.

As they reach the top, they see Yumi huddled in a corner, her eyes wide with fear. The robot is closing in on her, its metallic arms reaching out to grab her.

Yumi: I'm sorry! it was my brother's fault! he made send the video of Cory disappearing after uploading a video, cause he thought it'll be funny!


Without hesitation, Rexx charges at the robot, with a wooden plank he ripped off the door. Julian follows close behind, grabbing a nearby pipe and swinging it at the robot's head with all his might. Kim joins in, using all her strength to drop kick the robot towards the balcony.

For a moment, it seems as though they might succeed in overpowering the robot. But then, with a deafening roar, it throws them off and lunges towards Yumi once again.

As the group scrambles to their feet, they know they have one last chance to save Yumi and defeat the robot. They charge at the robot once again, their weapons raised high.

With a mighty blow, Rexx strikes the robot's head, causing it to falter. Julian takes advantage of the robot's momentary weakness and plunges the pipe into its chest. Kim follows suit, smashing the robot's face with a nearby vase.

With a final scream, the robot falls off the second floor, but not before grabbing Julian's leg and drop him down with it. Yumi is safe, but now Julian is down with it.

Rexxvia: Julian!

Julian: *pain* My back...

Kim: Welp, he's dead.

Yumi: KIM!

The robot slowly gets up, removed the pipe from it's chest and turn its head in a 180 degrees, facing Julian.


Julian: *scared* wha?


As the robot stands up, it emits a low, mechanical hum, and its eyes glow a sinister red. Julian, struggling to get up, feels a sudden jolt of pain shoot through his body as he realizes that his leg is broken. He tries to crawl away, but the robot quickly approaches him, its metal legs clanking against the marble floor.

Julian: No wait, I'm not a fake samurai. I'm a- *ack*

Rexxvia and Yumi watch in horror as the robot reaches out with its cold, metallic hand and grabs Julian by the throat, lifting him up off the ground. Julian gasps for air as the robot tightens its grip, its fingers digging into his flesh.

Yumi: NO!

Rexxvia: JULIAN!

Julian: Please...Run!

Julian manages to croak out before the robot tightens its grip even more, crushing his windpipe and his eyes popping out. Rexxvia, Yumi, and Kim can only watch in terror as Julian's body goes limp and the robot drops him to the ground.

The robot turns to face them, its red eyes flickering with a malevolent intelligence.

Kim: We got to go! NOW!

Yumi, and Kim back away slowly, Rexx was still in shock, he had never seen anybody die before so seeing Julian die in front of him really froze him. He had never felt so powerless in his life. The robot stares at him.

Robot Cory: "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE," the robot intones in a cold, emotionless voice. "YOU WILL JOIN THE FAKE SAMURAI IN DEATH."

Rexxvia realizes with growing horror that him, Yumi, and Kim are trapped with the robot, with no hope of escaping it or hope of destroying it. As the robot advances, they can only run in terror, knowing that they are about to meet a grisly fate at the hands of the cold, unfeeling machine.

-- to be continued --

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