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IN THE MIDDLE OF A heavy rainfall, under the roaring thunders. A man wearing an extravagant kimono painted with aconitum flowers, sat in a bright red carpet at the center of a dim lighted room.

He was just seated there, unmoving. With his silver eyes staring straight in the wall far from him. Around him are people that one can assume they're of a high ranked position.

Suddenly, a loud bang erupted through the four corners of the said room. But the man who are getting interrogated didn't flinch nor even blink. He's just completely stilled.

"This will be the third and last time we'll ask you the question..." An old man at the highest seat said. He can hear the thinning patience from his voice, but nevertheless, it didn't scared him.

"Saintess Minoru Hanakata, current head of the Hanakata Household. Will you accept the mission that us, the higher ups, is ordering you?" The old man stated.

The man closes his eyes and calmly say, "I will not."

She can hear the gasps of shock and gossips around him yet he choose to remain calm and close his ears from their unwanted whispers.

"As the current head of your household, you must never refuse the order of the higher ups!"

"As the current head of Hanakata Household. I must never be defeated by fear. And also, I only have one job as a saintess and a sorcerer, and that is to protect humanity against the evil curses." He said, although his voice was soft, anyone could hear the fierceness from it. Silver arises become visible as he opened his eyes.

Anyone from that room couldn't see any malicious or evilness at those pair of eyes. Instead, only kindness and goodwill shines through them. That made the people around him, flinch.

"My ancestors didn't built our household to be controlled by greedy people but to become the pillar of the world against those unwelcomed guests."

Another loud noise erupted in the air as the old man hit the table again. "You arrogant fool! Your job is to protect the people from the King of Curses! That boy is the biggest threat in our mankind, if we don't end him as much as possible, he will become the destruction of our country!"

Despite the old man's anger. Minoru didn't budge from his position.

"That boy you're talking about have a name, he is Itadori Yuuji, and is still a human, he's not some kind of a pest in a plant that needs to be wiped off. Itadori has a life on his own, I can't just take that away from him... I refuse to do that." He said firmly that made the old man become silent.

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