Part 12

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Embers POV

I circle the total all the repairs are going to cost us. "Okay, if me and Mario can get earth from the sea floor then that will deduct some of the cost. Me and Lucas can move water from the island, that will deduce some money. We can all help build, that will help a lot. But all the supplies are what gets us. We're going to need a new guild hall. And new houses. David will want his garden. Damn it, David's garden is going to cost a lot. Maybe I can call in some favors. If I do, then I could get some good supplies at a decent price." I speak to myself.

"Red." I hear Lucas say. I just keep looking at my papers. "We need to get our name back out there to get more missions." I say as I write more things on a paper. "Ember." Lucas says as he takes the papers out of my hands. I look up at him. "Lucas, I can't talk right now. I need to make plans." I tell him as I try to take the papers. But my depth perception is still off form the lack of sight in my one eye. "Ember, that can wait. Talk to me. What that fuck happened? Why do you look and sound like an adult? You're sixteen. And what happened to your eye?" Lucas asks.

I sigh and walk over a pile of dirt and rocks. I sit down and motion for him to do the same. He sits down and looks at me. "Well, I guess I should start from the beginning. When I left I didn't just go on a mission and then find another mission to go on. That was all a lie. Ritchie and Brandon sent me to go save Lani. Who was taken when she was on a mission. I found her. And as I was saving her. Her captors shot us with fire magic. I wasn't fast enough. And she got hit. I was able to get us away but.... But she died." I take a deep breath

"They came and took me. That's when I sent the first talking flower. I sent it to Brandon and Ritchie first. Telling them Lani was dead. And that I was captured. I told them not to tell anyone and not to come for me. Then I sent you the flower. While I was captured I was tortured. A time mage changed my age so many times.  And finally set my age at 18, but now that my birthday has passed i would be 19. They cut my eye. So now I have an awesome scar, along with being blind in it." Lucas opens his mouth to say something but ii hold up my hand shutting him up.

"I was taken to a room full of lacrimas. And I was forced to merge with a devil lacrama. So now I'm a Nature God Slayer, and a Sound Devil Slayer. After a while they decided they were sick of me. So they made me dig my own grave. Shad, my devil, along with Rain, my god. Sent out an SOS. After a while of digging a Dragon came from the sky and killed the man guarding me. Shad and Rain took control and they killed the people that had me captured." I say, taking a shaky breath.

"Nasemi. The Dragon. She took me north. It was all covered in ice and snow. She started training me to be an Ice Dragon Slayer. I went out hunting and got lost. I knew she was watching me. I knew I had to survive on my own. So I did. I made a snow and ice domb for a home. I hunted polar bears and penguins. After a week of living like that. Shad had to fully combine with me. To do that we had to fight in my subconscious. I won. So I now have all his powers." I tell Lucas.

"But, I had went into a small coma. When I woke Nasemi scented me and made me a dragon slayer. She brought me back here. I met with Mario and he told me everything that has been happening. By then you had been gone for four months. I went to Ritchie. He gave me SS rank on the spot. And thats when more torture began. Whenever I wasn't on a mission I was helping Kit with paper work, or I was being shocked half to death by Ritchie. I know i have a lot of nerve damage. My hands shake when they don't need to. And...." I pause and sigh.

"What is it?" Lucas asks. I roll up my sleeves, showing the blackened veins on my arm. "It's everywhere. And it's starting to spread up my neck. But.... I would let Ritchie do it to me again. As long as it meant everyone was safe. I wish I could go back and be the one that got hit instead of Tapio. He didn't deserve it." I tell him. Lucas doesn't say anything. Instead he pulls me into a tight hug. "I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you. I wish i could have protected you more." Lucas tells me.

"Its okay. But hey, now I get to say I'm Ember Nature God Slayer, Sound Devil Slayer, Ice Dragon Slayer, SS class mage in Divinus Magia. Sounds pretty cool." I say with a smirk. Lucas shakes his head. "Always looking on the bright side. I've missed you." He tells me. "I've missed you to." I tell him. We sit side by side. I yawn and put my head on his shoulder. And I slowly fall asleep. "I love you." I hear Lucas say before everything goes black.

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