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It's been a few days. Tanjiro sent a to Michirou that his training with Obanai is done. Saying Obanai was a little bit harsh to him. His next training will be at Sanemi. The wind hashira. He says in the letter too that Rengoku Kyojurou will be there too as he was excited to him again.

' I see. That's cool Tanjiro' Michirou thought as he fold the letter Tanjiro sent by crow

' I wonder how's Zenitsu and Inosuke? Are they still okay?' Knowing Zenitsu will whine so loud because of the training

Michirou was walking in the forest where she usually go after training the slayers and talk  to Muichiro.

" I want to visit them. Especially Zenitsu I need to talk to him.." Michirou muttered

' I need to know where his grandpa live..'

" Raven. Can you do me a favor?"

" What is it? Caw!"

" Tell Muichiro that I will visit a friend. He don't need to wait me. Don't forget to tell him that he should rest." Michirou said as Raven listened to her favor and fly away

Michirou went to the place where Sanemi 's mansion and the worst is she didn't know where.

" Shit. I forgot to ask where his mansion" Michirou said as she sweat drop

She just walk and walk to the place not knowing where she's going. Not until Kyojurou found her in alley

" Young Tokito!" Kyojurou called her as he approached her

Michirou look at him and tilt her head in confusion.

" Rengoku-san?"

" Why are you here? Are you done training the slayers!?" Kyojurou said and showing his usual smile face.

" I'm here to visit my friend and I got lost because I don't know where Sanemi 's mansion"

" Also I already done training the slayers though"

" Oh! Shinzugawa-san is you friend?, That's amazing!"

" No... He's not my friend that I want to visit. My friend is in his mansion " Michirou said smiling awkwardly

" Oh I thought your going to visit him"

" Let's go I'll lead you there! "

" Thank you very much! Rengoku-san!"

" Let's go there because you are in the wrong way!"

" Uh...okay" Michirou said as she look at him awkwardly

' This is literally bullsh1t that I walk in the wrong alley ' Michirou thought as she followed Kyojurou

" So how's your training with slayers? Rengoku-san?" Michirou asked

" They're complaining how hard I was! Almost running away from estate!" Kyojurou said still having a smile

" But I was so amaze to the trio, your friends they're so determine to get stronger except to the one. He's whining and complaining how hell training is"

' That's definitely Zenitsu...' Michirou thought

As they walking and having a conversation. Michirou heard a chaos happening in Sanemi's estate as she stopped

" Hmm... what's wrong Young Tokito?" Rengoku asked as he stopped too

" I think we're already here..." Michirou said

" How'd you know? I thought you didn't know where his mansion"

" I heard my friend 's voice"

" I see.. then let's go!"

" Zenitsu! Get Genya out of here! Please!" Tanjiro yelled after he kicked Sanemi in neck

' Hey! are you some kind of idiot! Don't say my name signal in some better way!' Zenitsu thought in panic as Tanjiro mentioned his name

" Tanjiro!" Genya yelled in worried

Sanemi attack Tanjiro by twisting his upper body and kick

Zenitsu just listen to Tanjiro as he grabbed Genya's hand and start to run away from chaos

" Who are you!? Let me go!" Genya yelled

" It's good to separate people who are quarreling so let's get some distance!" Zenitsu said as he dragging Genya

" That guy is your older brother!? He's total jerk! I pity you!" Zenitsu added

" Don't insult my older brother!" Genya yelled as he smack Zenitsu

" Hey! I'm your side!"

As they still bugging each other, they saw Kyojurou and Michirou

" Oh! That's amazing. Hitting each other! It's taboo!" Rengoku said as he have a flashy smile

" Zenitsu..." Michirou called

" No one was welcoming us in the gate so we just get inside!" Kyojurou said

" Michirou!! Help!! Tanjiro was fighting with Wind hashira!" Zenitsu yelled as he approached her

Genya even though it's wrong time to embarrass to approach the girl. He just stay where he is

" That's amazing..." Michirou muttered

" What!! There's no time to amaze Michirou!!" Zenitsu yelled as he heard her statement

" Stop him!! Michirou!! Big brother Rengoku-san!" Zenitsu yelled and being dramatic

" We shall stop him! Young Tokito!" Kyojurou said

" Alright." Michirou said as they walk towards to the chaos

They can clearly see every slayers was trying to stop Tanjiro and the Wind hashira.
The slayers notice thier presence.

" Lady Tokito!! You're here!"

" Help us to stop him!"

Sanemi and Tanjiro heard it as they stop moving and look at the two guests as they continue what they doing

" Shinzugawa-san!" Kyojurou called giving him a friendly smile

" I guess they're stubborn" Michirou muttered as she standing next to Kyojurou

' in the first place I was here for Zenitsu. And second I'm not here to stop Sanemi.'

" What the-...."

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now