Chapter 1

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I do not own Eureka or any of it's characters

This story is lame and rushed but cute none the less

Jack and Jo drove down the street towards the sheriffs office with Nathan and Allison in the car behind them. There was a problem with a suspicious breech in security and they wanted to check a file on a certain citizen.

"Where is Fargo I asked him to finish recording the outputs on the subterfuge module then get over to the station but he hasn't responded.", said Nathan annoyed.

"I told him to check Dr. Walters lab in section two for suspicious activity.", said Allison.

"He never finished the errands I asked him to run this morning. This is what I look like with no Vinspresso.", said Jo irritated.

"Yeah because he was busy helping me fix my PDA. The darn thing keeps glitching.", said Jack like an old man.

"Maybe he's at the station, hurry it up Carter.", said Nathan with a sigh of annoyance.

They soon arrived as they walked into the familiar brown office. Jo led the way as Jack babbled on about something until she stopped the group in a halt.

Fargo sat in a chair by the window flooded in the striped sun of the shades. He was fast asleep, his mouth slightly open and his bones sinking tiredly into the chair. His hair was ruffled and his long sleeve white shirt was pulled over hands that sat on his torso.

The dust floated through the orange rays of the hazy afternoon sun where Fargo slept.

Their hearts sunk a little, looking at each other with guilty sympathy.

"You think we push him too hard?", asked Allison.

"I've always thought of him as being at my disposable. You know like the utility player of the group.", said Jack.

"He's my assistant first and foremost. I give him enough to do without you guys running him around.", said Stark.

"Look you guys let's just agree to schedule this better, give him a break for a while.", said Jo.

They stood there a minute watching him rest. It was sad yet he did look peaceful. They were almost jealous.

"Come on, let's let him get some sleep.", said Nathan as they left.

Sunken BonesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz