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Astryn, a middle schooler with a dream for humanity to live along with the cosmos, shattered when her mother sent her off to her grandmother for three weeks for a barely passing grade, in tears  all of her studies and things of her interest were torched groundward before her. She grew slow hatred for her mother and even bigger annoyance toward her stuck up sister who did nothing but torment her on every dream and interest she had. She sworn one day that she'd show them everything that they had detested her for.
After coming Back from three weeks of endless suffering and borderline child labor she spoke less to her mother and ignored her sister's taunting. She began talking to herself until one night a star spoke to her and offered to give her star-like companions in exchange for her family, And with extreme happiness she soon let greed take over her starting with her sister then her mother. After realizing what she had done before giving up her brother who hadn't done anything to her she became lost and confused,  she begged for her family back but it was already to late. The greater star had told her in order to "save her family she must maintain the current universe to keep them "alive" with only her brother left she had no other choice.

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