Lando Norris- Monaco Nights

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Being a monsgasque yourself, you know the Leclerc's well. As you do their girlfriends past and present, also a lot of their friends are mutual friends with you.
Newly single yourself, standing with Charles ex Charlotte. You don't really think about asking her how she feels about the new relationship that has come out in public at his home race. Spending time with the two ex wags of Elena and Charlotte, they don't really fill you with confidence of ever wanting to chase the lifestyle yourself. Nor does Charlotte have any nice words about Charles or his fans.

Even as you party at one of the after parties. You don't really think you'll see Charles or Alex, let alone any of the other drivers. So stick to your friends in the club. Of course you end up bumping into some of the drivers that stay in Monaco and one of their girlfriends plus entourage. As you stand taking a photo, you think you see someone winking at you.
But don't think much of it.
Until you see Charles with him, pointing at you.
Then your phone goes. "Come speak with Lando."

As you walk over you see Alex is stuck by Charles side almost like glue. "What?" You aim at Charles. He looks at you confused. "Lando wants to meet you. Don't you want to meet him?" As you glance over at Lando he is surrounded by girls. "Nope. Not really. Reminds me of you. Does he cheat too?" Charles scowls at you. "Thanks. So I'll tell him no then?" Lando looks around and spots you bickering with Charles. But still makes a beeline for you.
"Hi I'm Lando." You look at the smiling boy. Biting your lip, he can't stop staring at you. Almost hungry for you.
"I need to go." You scowl at Charles on your way past.
You give no excuse, no anything. But damn he is cute.

As you head back to your friends, they can sense a weird vibe from you. "You shouldn't be in Charlottes team. No one else is choosing her over him." As you roll your eyes ready to respond. Lando has moved himself from the drivers section over to you. "Bonjour..." he smiles at you.
"Hi Lando. I see you brought your girls with you." You smile at him. Not letting him away with it. "I ah.. yeah. So are you the other secret girl Charles was texting before he chose Alex?" You shake your head. "No darling. I don't do sharing. I don't follow around in a gaggle of girls hoping to be chosen." He smiles at you.
"So it's a no then? For myself I mean?" Lando smiles sweetly. Hoping that you'll change your mind. "At least let me bug you a drink.. without the gaggle."
As you follow him alone to a quiet part of the bar. Much to the annoyance of the other male friends of Charles.

"You have your own gaggle." Lando laughs, watching you push off another one of Charles friends. "No. They are actually really annoying. They think they are all hot. And they just aren't." Lando laughs loudly. "I can see why you're not Charles type." He can't stop laughing and teasing you. "Come on you can laugh. I know everyone is very serious around here, for whatever reason. If you can't enjoy life and laugh loud. What's the point?"
You smile at him, he is something your not used too.

As yous finish your shots, he pulls you back to the driver booths. "I've heard you're her friend too. Looks like she could be doing with your support right now. I'll wait for you." Lando turns around and pushes a kiss on your cheek.
Charles looks surprised to see you again. "Not here for you. Alex? You ok?" Charles's face softens at you. "I'm sorry. I've been horrible and you don't deserve it."
You end up getting Alex to dance, even though Lando can't take his eyes off of you. Even more so when your actual friends come to dance and you are able to dance like you'd usually do. As you whirl around, shaking your curves.
He gets a little put out when other guys start to get a bit touchy. But Charles grabs you. "He's not like other guys, get him up to dance too. He's wallowing in his own self pity thinking you don't want him."
You look up and see him alone at his table.
You get followed leaving the dance floor, which makes it harder. You can barely bend in your tiny skirt.
"Keep touching me and I'll get you thrown out." You turn around quickly, ready to hit the guy with your handbag.
"Can you please come and dance?" He shakes his head. "I'm not feeling it." You scowl at him.
"Fine help me..." you climb onto the his table and pull him up with you.

His laugh is everything in that moment. It makes you laugh and grip onto him. As your wobbling in your heels on the table. But he just pulls you closer to kiss you.
It rudely gets broken up as security tells you both to get down. Lando picks you up to get you down.
"Come here, I wasn't finished." He pulls you back in.
As the music starts to fade and you realise it's 4am. "This is my number.. phone me when your in a taxi and I'll give you my address." You shake your head.
"I'll take your number. But not for tonight. I only do that when dating."

Lando smiles. "Fine... will need to be tomorrow. Or you coming to Barcelona?" He grins again. "Maybe.. if you behave." He pushes another kiss onto your mouth, trying to tempt you.
"Oh I don't want to behave with you." You put your number into his phone.
"I best go.. speak soon. Yeah?" He nods his head, biting his lip.

He waits until your out for brunch with the girls, to follow you on social media. Then WhatsApp's you.
"His girlfriend got so much hate, are you sure you can cope with that?" Charlotte questions you.
You feel a little ambushed. As all of the girls start to have opinions on you and Lando.
"You'll not be able it keep it together. I know you. You'll start arguing with him."
You sit stunned that all of your supposedly close friends seem to be on charlottes side. Having been the only one to have met Lando. You were out with different girls last night.
"Alex is okay. Thanks for asking. Not that any of you asked. Start any hate on her and I'll kick off."
Charlottes face drops. "Really? Alex. Is that why you kissed Lando. Riding high on hiding her and him. Even Marta isn't this involved with her." Charlotte laughs, before obviously starts to bitch about you.
"No. Marta... the one who clings onto Charles. She will be her best friend soon enough. You know it. I've lost my appetite..."
You throw the napkin down and walk out of the restaurant.
Walking right into the path of Lando's friend Max and his girlfriend. "Sorry.." you mumble not really looking up.

"Hey.. you were the girl last night. Lando?" You look up. "Yeah, why?" Your attitude coming back. "He's not shut up about you. Come to lunch. He'd love to see you again. Or have you eaten?" He asks you.
"No. I've not eaten."
Max introduces himself and Pietra to you. Hoping you'd follow them.
Max looks in the restaurant. "Charlotte? She's bitter now Charles is out... come on. Let's go have lunch. Sure Lando will cheer you up."

You see lando before he spots you. Signing something and taking a fan photo. "Oh there she is!" He shouts, looking like an excited kid on Christmas morning. He hugs you and kisses your head.
"You okay?" He looks down, not allowing you to go.
But you don't want him to let you go, as brunch was a lot and your emotions are high.
"I'm here.." he whispers, pushing another kiss onto your head. "Will we go get some food? I'm starving." He says, pulling you in after him.

The whole Leclerc family is there, with their girlfriends. Lando goes over to say hi, dragging you with him. You'd much rather not see Charles, as he will know. He stands up and hugs you. "What's happened? Thought you'd be at post Monaco race brunch." You shake your head.
"Nope. Your ex is a bitch. I walked out." Charles looks confused. "Do I even want to know." You shake your head. "No..." your voice breaks so you just stop talking.
"Somethings happened. You wouldn't be this upset over nothing. I know you, y/n."
Nodding your head you wriggle out of his grasp and sit with Lando and his friends.
Even though there is other girls, Lando has hand on your leg. But you can't help but jiggle it, your nerves staring to show their ugly head. You're now more worried about showing Lando the real you.
"I should go. I don't really fit in..." you whisper to him. But his hand stays firmly on your thigh.
"Why?" He looks confused. But he removes his hand and puts his arm around your shoulders.
"I like you being here. Just proves that I definitely felt something last night." He plays around with a strand of your hair.
Your not used to having someone's whole attention. So this is strange for you.

As you head off to leave the table at the end. Lando follows you. "So what now? I know Charles said you were one of the few girls he knows that wouldn't date or want to be with a driver." You look at Lando looking nervous.
"We can see? I go back to university in France for last couple exams. Then I'm off for summer."
He nods his head. "Yeah. Then what? You spend it with me? Or do you have plans with the girls?"
You smile coyly at him. "Nothing really. Ibiza, Greek island hopping... the typical girl summer." Lando nods his head.
"So I can come see you... you can come see me at the tracks?" Nodding your head. You don't have any idea what is making you want too be anything with him.

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