49 13 19

I clenched myself behind the wooden cupboard. Not breathing, not moving, not making even the slightest sound. I drowned in fear as my entire clothes were drenched in sweat.
I was in the chamber of the fiercest demon lord, the only one rumored to be even more devilish than the devil himself. My hunger to attain a higher level in the demon realm has pushed me into doing something stupid. Something as stupid as sneaking into the chamber of a powerful demon lord to steal the crystal skull used to control humans and even demons. Now such unreasonable decision has left me vulnerable behind a cupboard, listening to the slow footsteps as they drew near. I braced myself for whatever was to come.

"Just come out from your hiding place," his voice dragged sluggishly like he was too tired to speak. I kept mute, confused on what to do.

Everywhere went silent and I can swear that the only sound I could hear was my palpitating heart.

"Need I repeat myself?" He asked again with the same tone. My body trembled as his voice hit the walls of the room and echoed. I fought with myself on what to do, either way, I'd be dead. I slowly revealed myself from where I hid, trembling like a cat under the rain. I've never been this scared my entire years.

He tilted his head as he narrowed his smoky eyes and studied me. My eyes darted around and with hesitance, they met his. This was my first time seeing his face. Truly, his eyes were like a smoking sun, bright with flames. His face was perfectly sculpted, his high cheekbones that looked unearthly. Hell yes! He was unearthly.
I gulped hard as his intimidating aura engulfed me. My gaze dropped to the ground immediately to stop myself from getting lost in the beauty of his eyes or even dying from just looking into them. They looked young yet held wisdom. Looking at his beautiful face that had no spots or cuts, who would believe that he was five thousand years old.

"S-sorry my Lord," I bowed nervously. My inside was so terrified that my body couldn't express it enough.

"Name?" he asked and my heart pounded behind my rib cage.

"Z-zane," I stuttered again.


"Middle rank, my lord," I answered.

He walked closer to me and I couldn't explain how I felt but I knew I was damn scared.

"Why are you scared now? Weren't you bold enough to break into my quarters?" He asked with his face so close to mine. A feeling of regret washed over me as I stood there trembling.

"I'm sorry my lord," I apologized again.

His eyes travelled back to the crystal skull, I felt like disappearing because he had already figured out the reason I came here and who exactly was behind it.

"Crystal.... skull. Ramiel," he muttered under his breath before facing me again. He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up, I was breathless and even chocked on my saliva. I began to cough out ceaselessly but this demon didn't care, he just held on to my neck like his life depended on it.

"A-a-anything, I'll do anything my lord," I managed to voice out, at least before I pass out.

His grip loosened and I fell to the ground, I began to gasp for air. Even before I could recover, he grabbed me up again and pinned me to the wall, his fingers traced through my chest, moving down slowly and stopping just on my belt.
I gasped silently under his body. What was he doing?

He heard my thoughts and asked, "didn't you say you would do anything?"

He leaned his head into my neck, with his hot breath tickling my skin, his strong arm went around my waist and pulled me more closer to him. Our bodies were left with no space in between.

"Yes my lord, but this is-" he cut me off.

"You'll have to face the consequences," he whispered into my ears and for some reason, I shivered.

He threw me on his unnecessarily large bed and I yelped lowly. I looked into his sunny eyes and they had gotten darker, filled with a feeling I didn't even want to think of. My heartbeat replaced the silence that was in the room. My lips were dried and once again, my clothes were covered in sweat.
What was going on with him? I had no idea.

He walked slowly to me and I remained pinned to the bed, my body refusing to move. Somehow, I was curious to see where this leads to. To my death, maybe.
He smirked as his eyes got even darker, "don't think too hard," he said and his words left me in puzzlement.

He trapped me in between his strong arms and looked into my eyes and I was certain of what I saw earlier, his eyes were filled with lust.

"My lord," I called carefully as my voice cracked in fear.

"No one breaks into my quarters," he said before claiming my lips with his. I was stunned for a split second but then again, a different feeling overwhelmed me.
I reciprocated his kiss, with my hands roaming around his strong biceps, forgetting that he was a man. We were hungry for each other as we impaitently took off our clothes. My moans filled the room as he pinned me down firmly to the bed, placing rough kisses on every inch of my body. If he was going to have me instead of kill me, I had no choice but to give in. It was way better than going to below the underground world, a place where demons are being severely punished. Not to mention that I was the one who said I'd do anything.

I had totally forgotten why I came here or how I got caught by this powerful demon, my mind was already foggy from the heat between us.

He pinned my two hands above my head making me realize how small I was. He looked at me again and at this point, I didn't care what he does to me, I was fully under his control. I saw the corner of his lips lift up, forming a sly smirk; he must have heard my thoughts.

"From now on you work under me," his husky voice growled and my eyes widened. I already had a demon lord I was under, how could he come up with such a ridiculous decision?

"Yes my lord," I reluctantly agreed, not wanting to go against him and have my head chopped off.

His expression got replaced with the former- lust.

He flipped me over and had me lying on my chest. My heart raced as I heard the sound of his zipper. What exactly was he going to do to me? Even before I could start another session of panicking, I felt my pants pulled down and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't come in terms with what I was thinking, I rather just think this as a punishment and nothing else.

And the moment came in flashes, I felt the pain and burn as his d!#k pushed inside of me. My eyes bulged in shock and confusion as a silent scream escaped my lips. He leaned forward and held on to my throat firmly, I was out of breath. Then, his thrusts started slowly as he kissed every part of my neck. At first, I was in pain but shortly after, the feeling got replaced with a fire filled pleasure. I wasn't gay so why was I enjoying this?

His thrusts became harder and his kisses rougher. I squeezed the sheets as my loud moans filled the atmosphere. It seemed like every time I moaned, he was more aroused. I enjoyed every bit of what he was doing to me. Strangely I didn't protest against his actions towards me. Was it because I was scared he'd kill me or I had no choice? I couldn't tell.

And with his last groan for the fifth time, the fire quenched and the night came to an end. I laid in his bed with my senses reforming. 'What have I done?' Was the only question ringing in my head. Immediately, I regretted my actions. How could I raise my head in public, amongst my family, friends and even in the entire realm? I haven't only failed a task but I have also shamelessly made love to a demon lord- A MAN!
A lone tear fell from my eye and I wished I could go back in time to change my decisions.

"Get out," he said coldly to me. I was supposed to be glad that he has released me unharmed but instead, I felt worthless and dirty. I don't think I could ever show myself around like I used to.
I slowly gathered my clothes, I looked at him but he was absentminded. What was I expecting? He was a demon lord and I was just an ordinary middle rank demon.

Quietly, I left the room with my head hung down like I had no strength to lift it up.

Thank you for reaching the end of the first chapter, I really hope you enjoyed it. Anyway don't forget to drink lots of water today :)

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