Unexpected Encounter

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It was a crisp autumn day when Ethan stepped into the bustling coffee shop. He was a freelance writer, searching for inspiration for his new novel. As he waited in line, he couldn't help but notice the attractive man in front of him. With sandy blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a charming smile, the man was captivating. Their eyes met, and Ethan felt a magnetic pull between them.

Alex, the handsome stranger, seemed to sense the connection too. He turned around, a friendly smile gracing his lips. "Hi," he said, his voice soft yet confident. "I don't usually do this, but would you like to join me?"

Ethan's heart raced as he accepted the invitation. They found a cozy corner of the cafe and started talking, their conversation flowing effortlessly. They discovered shared interests, similar values, and a mutual love for art and literature.

End of chater 1.


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