Blocked VI

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Rexxvia is seen running in the halls, not even bothering to try opening the doors as he was all alone.

Rexx: Dammit! Julian is dead, the robot is on my ass, and now I get separated from Kim and Yumi! Why is this happening to me!?

As he continues to run through the seemly endless hall, the door on his left opens and a pair of hands reaches out and grabs him.

Rexx: Not again!

He gets yanked inside and the door closes behind him. He gets up and he is in a black void once again.

Rexx: Aw hell, I'm back here!

As he looks around an utter blackness he eventually he spots a glow in a distance. He slowly approaches the glowing light it is revealed to be a girl. She turns around and faces him and he immediately recognizes her.

 She turns around and faces him and he immediately recognizes her

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Rexx: Phym?

She doesn't respond instead, she runs away.

Rexx: Hey, wait!

He chases after her but he is blinded by the bright light. As the brightness fades away Rexxvia is no longer in a void, nor was he in the mansion. He was in a high school building.

Rexx: A school? How original... but, that was Phym right? Where is she?

Phym: Over here, Daddy.

Rexx turns to the voice and sees Phym standing at the end of the hall. He approaches her but a light flashes his eyes for a second and the little girl was gone.

Rexx: What the hell? Am I losing my mind?

???: *giggling*

Rexxvia turns around and his heart jumped at who he saw.

Rexxvia turns around and his heart jumped at who he saw

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