First Meeting?

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(Third Person Pov)

"Hmm! Paimon's getting tired when will we get there traveler!" The floating girl puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. The three had been walking for at least a few hours with only short breaks. The sun was also blaring harshly on the trio. "We're almost there Paimon. We only need to walk to the port from here. Are you tired Scara?" The shorter male simply shook his head in answer. His eyes were slightly gleaming at the sites he took in. It's been a long time since he was able to enjoy the scenery. The three continued walking until they could see Beidou beckoning them toward The Crux. "Yo! Traveler and Paimon, how have you been? Who's this fellow behind you?" Traveler explained the new presence in their party and assured the captain that he would cause no trouble to her and the crew. "Nice to meet you Scaramouche. We'll set sail within the hour. Kazuha will help you find your cabin and help you around." Scaramouche tipped his hat as a greeting and muttered thanks to the captain for her hospitality. The three climbed aboard the ship and recognized familiar faces. "Scaramouche you can look around while we greet some people. We'll find you afterward." Paimon grinned and waved while following the traveler. The male looked around until his eyes landed on a certain white-haired man with a single red streak in his hair. Scaramouche's breath hitched and he felt a lump in his throat. He couldn't describe this feeling but his ears were burning as the two stared at one another. Shortly, the male started walking toward the wanderer making him nervous. "Hello, I am Kaedehara Kazuha, a traveler at sea. Who might you be?" He offered Scaramouche a gentle smile and held out a hand. The blue-haired male flinched at the mention of the Kaedehara clan. He was their last descendant only because of Scaramouche's past nature. The memories of the endless murders rang in his head before he was soon racked with guilt. "None of your business Kaedehara." He scowled unwillingly and slapped Kazuha's hand away, confusing the taller one. Scaramouche quickly made his escape before his flushed face could be discovered. He spotted traveler and Paimon not too far and strode towards them. "Hey, Scaramouche! Ummm... traveler has some bad news!" The floating girl powered behind the blonde not wanting to be the bearer of bad news. "Beidou was only able to secure one cabin for the three of us. The others are all occupied. But don't worry, we can figure something out!" Scara gently shook his head. "That's no issue. As a puppet, I don't require any rest. I will spend the night gazing at the stars." The Traveler locked Scaramouche in a hug to show their appreciation. Slowly, Scara's hand mimicked Traveler's current position. "So you do know how to be kind. Interesting. Hello Traveler, Paimon." Kazuha warmly smiled at the two and observed Scara's reaction. The blue-haired boy flushed and pulled away from the embrace. He crossed his arms and glared at Kazuha. "What do you want?" Traveler cocked their brow in confusion at Scara's sudden change of character. "To show you which cabin you will reside in for this journey. Follow me please." Paimon and Traveler obliged as Scara hesitantly trailed behind them. The cabin struggled to fit the entire group. "I'm really sorry Scara, there's barely any room for you." Traveler sported a frown upset at the conditions facing the wanderer. "If you'd like Scara, I have enough space in my cabin to house us both." Kazuha's innocent comment made blood rush to the wanderer's cheeks. "What makes you think I would share a room with you? Don't call me that either." He spat out while turning his head to the side. Traveler was confused at the tense atmosphere but was unsure of what to say. "It was only an offer, wanderer. " Kazuha sounded almost upset at Scara's cold behavior. He covered up his sudden mood change and excused himself. Scara felt his heart drop at the realization. Traveler looked disappointed as Paimon furrowed her brows. "Oi! Why would you be such a meanie to him! He was just being nice, Scara!" His head dropped at the sudden scolding from the tiny floating creature. "I'll apologize for my rudeness." He dismissed his hat and nervously followed the route Kazuha took to his cabin. 

As he faced the door he chewed at his lips before quietly knocking on the door. Shortly after, he was met with the familiar white-haired boy. "I... I came to apologize for my rudeness earlier. I am Scaramouche, Traveler's and Paimon's new traveling companion. I am a wanderer. I hope you can accept my apology Kaedehara." He bowed slightly to show his sincerity. Kazuha grabbed Scara's wrist and easily pulled him into the cabin. He closed the door and pinned the shorter male against it. "Do you know me?" He pulled Scara's chin up to look at him. Scara flushed and shook his head. He gently pushed Kazuha's chest but his attempts were in vain. "Why is there a look of guilt in your eyes every time I meet them?" Scara hesitated. He liked the feeling of Kazu's warm hand on his but he knew if Kazuha learned the truth, there would be no further interaction between the two. Tears started to prick his eyes and he grunted as he pushed Kazuha away from him successfully. "I killed them all. All but one of the Kaedehara's. I slaughtered your bloodline and you're foolishly trying to get closer to me? We're just enemies and will always be. Have your go at me, I'll take it. Kazuha." The taller male stepped back slightly in disbelief as Scara closed his eyes. Someone who looks so innocent attempted to end his bloodline. He should have been furious but he felt numb. No amount of violence could avenge his ancestors. The wanderer's blood on his hands would only feed guilt on his conscience. "Stay here." He managed to let out before pushing past Scara. The door silently closed and Scara flopped onto the cold wooden floor. He buried his face in his knees feeling his heartthrob at the last few moments which had just unfolded. He grunted as his fist made contact with the floor. His knuckles burned but he could care less. The only thing on his mind was Kazuha and how he wanted to get rid of that pained expression on his face. 

First Meeting? KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now