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Spider was messing around with some stick he had found (him and the recoms are outside). One of the recoms said they were heading back in sense they didn't find any tracks of the sully's "Thank eywa" Spider thought, and headed in.

Once they were inside Quaritch headed over to where Spider was. "Leaning against the wall like a moody teen" Quarith thought. Quaritch thought he could pry some information about the sully's whereabouts from the kid.

Spider had seen his so called "dad" heading his way, out of the corner of his eye and wanted to avoid any more interactions with this man so he began to start walking away. Quaritch had saw this and put his hand out to stop him.

"Hey hey were you going I just want to talk" Quaritch said grabbing Spiders arm to stop him leaving.

"About what" Spider said weirded out by what he thought was an attempt at father/son bonding.

"Anything" Quaritch said knowing Spider wouldn't immediately start talking about Jake.

"I don't want to talk to you" Spider said trying to tug his arm away from the grip of said recom. Without thinking Quaritch aggressively pulled Spiders arm back near him and hears a crack.

Quaritch had just broken Spiders arm.

Spider lets out a yell almost a cry, he starts tearing up due to this new found pain in his arm. Spider had never broken a bone before so he didn't know how to react.

Quaritch realizing what he had just done and trying to fix this problem fast says "we need to get you to the med bay now". Spider not even thinking at this point allows himself to be pushed to the med bay by Quaritch.

After they get there the nurse says shes gonna have to put his arm back in place which WAS. HELL. He didn't think he has felt so much pain in his life before, Quaritch was leaning against the wall off to the side with this look of shame because of what he had just done.

The nurse had put this thing around his arm called a cast he had never heard of it but it sure was uncomfortable. She then handed him some sharpies he asked what they were for and she  said "On earth kids with write things on them and have there friends sign them, also this is going to have to stay on for a few months so no climbing".

Spider felt like the hole world wanted to crush him "no climbing" thats the thing he's best at and he had hoped that he wouldn't be there for that long tho he had already been there a month.

In the mean time he grabbed a blue sharpie and started to draw some flowers he had seen while living on Pandora, completely forgetting that Quaritch was still there.

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