𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘁<01>

158 7 133

٠ ࣪⭑𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘁
Word count٠ ࣪⭑ 1105

The story progresses from third person perspective to Tsukasa's perspective!

Tsukasa Tenma, a young boy who gave up on searching for his love. He was now practically immune to the feeling of loneliness. Ever since his parents completely stopped paying attention to him, he started getting use to the fact that he wasn't worth anyone's time.

In his middle school, he heard girls talking about the myth that buying a cup of 'sakura coffee' during the spring will find you the love of your life. It seemed pretty similar to the sakura tree myth except it costed you a solid 2685 yen.

psst, twenty bucks in dollars! :)

Yet he never believed it. One, how could a cup of coffee bring you true love? Second, why would I wait until spring just to buy a cup of coffee that probably tastes like shit? Is what Tsukasa could only think of. But deep down inside, he had faith and hope that it was true.

And it happened to be spring at the moment too. Maybe he should give love another try? Tsukasa stood up from his bed, he was still in his middle school uniform but that didn't matter. He put his shoes on before grabbing a handbag.

"I'm going out!" Tsukasa called though no one was home to hear him. "Right... they're at work." Tsukasa muttered once he realized. He walked out of the house, for the first time he enjoyed going outside though everyone seemed to find him too quiet or too loud. Nothing seemed to work as he tried fitting in within his schoolmates.

During the walk to the cafe that sold Sakura Coffee, he actually enjoyed it. It was somewhat quiet, you could only hear the wind howling, leaves rustling, and the birds chirping! Tsukasa liked it until he reached the cafe. He needed to talk to people in order to buy what he needed.

He walked up to the counter, immediately greeted by the cashier. "Hello welcome to Etsu Cafe, what can I get you for today sir?" She smiled, placing her hand on her chest. "Uh can I get the Sakura Coffee?" I just looked away, I wish I can go bury myself under dirt.

"Mhm, and that will be 2685 yen!" She smiled as she gotten the cash register ready. I sighed as I took out the desired amount of yen and gave it to her. "Okay, we'll call you up once your order is ready!" Her smile widened even more.

How can someone be this happy over a customer? I just nodded, I turned to look for a table to sit at but ended up bumping into someone. "Sorry," I apologized. I looked up and saw someone from my school, he had purple hair and two cyan streaks. He was the outcast of the school.

I blushed, embarrassed that I bumped into him. "It's fine." He simply responded before walking past me. I turned to look at him again. He didn't match the descriptions that the rumors always said, he was quite... handsome.

Of course but he did have bags under his eyes, and he was somewhat pale. But Tsukasa wondered if he should talk to him or ignore him like the rest of his schoolmates. "Maybe I should talk to him and not avoid him like the others?" Tsukasa pondered as he shifted in the cafe's chair.

Tsukasa's thoughts won but Tsukasa had no idea on how he could approach Kamishiro. Should he say a simple 'hello' or 'I'm Tsukasa Tenma,' either way Tsukasa still stood up from his seat and walked up to the outcast.

He was just looking out the window peacefully while Tsukasa just stared. "If you have a staring problem just say it." The taller male suddenly spoke, making Tsukasa embarrassed. "Sorry, I just wanted to sit with you and possibly talk if you didn't mind." Tsukasa explained himself as the outcast sipped his hot dark coffee.

Instead of getting the cold shoulder, he patted the seat next to him, making Tsukasa shocked. "I'm Tsukasa Tenma, what about you?" Tsukasa introduced himself to the other, though he already knew who Kamishiro was but he still asked.

"Rui Kamishiro, nice to meet you." Kamishiro introduced himself as well before taking another sip of his coffee. "I've seen you on the roof during lunch breaks, why is that?" Tsukasa tilted his head, he was curious on why he'd see the other alone on the roof.

Rui just smiled before responding, "I just like it alone, sometimes I'd meet up with a friend there." Tsukasa just nodded, listening intently. "He isn't too bad." Tsukasa thought as he looked at the other in the eye.

They maintained eye contact until- "I got a order for Tsukasa Tenma!" I stood up from my seat, I sigh before smiling at Rui. "Looks like my order is ready, I'll be right back!" Rui nodded, looking out the window. I sighed before going up to the pick up counter.

Once I grabbed my order and returned to where I sat with, but Rui wasn't there. I felt a bit of disappointed. There was a sticky note where Rui sat. Assuming it was for me, I took the sticky note and read it.

Note٠ ࣪⭑

Ah, I apologize but something came up. If you'd like, we can talk tomorrow during lunch break on the rooftop?

Tsukasa Tenma٠ ࣪⭑

I sighed, smiling. Maybe Rui wasn't too bad like they all would always say. Maybe I will meet up with him during lunch tomorrow! I smiled at the thought of hanging out with someone after so long. My phone vibrated in my pocket, immediately I take it out and check the notification.

Message by Mom ☆
Where are you.
Sent 15:09pm (3:09pm)

I sighed before responding back. One hand holding the Sakura Coffee while the other holding the phone. I decided to go home a few minutes later. As expected, my mother was waiting for me in the living room. "Leave a note next time if you are leaving." That's all she said before leaving.

I nodded before going up to my pathetic excuse of a room. I barely had privacy at all. I decided to finally take a sip of the infamous coffee. To my surprize it tasted well. Though I didn't meet anyone at all through this coffee but at least I got a temporary tasty drink.

A few hours passed and I did absolutely nothing. I ended up sleeping in my uniform instead of changing into my night clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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