The Wonderful Pear Tree

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                       "The Tale Of The Wonder Pear Tree"

             Ancient China was one of the oldest and longest-lasting civilizations in the history of the world. In today's modern world, China becomes the world's populous country in the eastern part of Asia. Aside from advanced technology and rich culture, China is also well known for its great philosophies, teachings, culture, virtues, religion, and folktales. It is not a secret that thousands of wisdom and tales were originated from China that even up to this day, neighboring countries use and applies them in their lives. One of the greatest folktales of ancient China is the tale of "The wonderful pear-tree". A folktale that left a great lesson to millions of people. That being said, I have also leamed and reflected a lot of things on the folktale as I read it. Lessons and teachings that I will definitely carry and apply to my future endeavors.

The tale "The wonderful pear tree" is about a countryman who sells loads of special pears in the market town in which many customers were interested. When the poor old, hungry-looking priest approached and begged him for one piece of pear he refused to give him despite having many to sell. The countryman did also call the old priest many unpleasant names and humiliate him in front of the crowd. The priest eventually got a pear and planted a magical pear seed, grew and gave its pear fruits to the crowd. However, behind the priest's doing is a lesson for the countryman for being a greedy, rude and selfish man. When the countryman learned that it's his pears, it's already too late for the priest is gone and nowhere to be found.
Behind this tale is a great lesson to everyone especially for the young generation. The tale is a reminder to all of us to always be kind to other people especially to those who are in need.

The ancient Chinese believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality. The long-lived pear tree came to symbolize long life and good fortune. In Chinese literature, especially poetry, the destruction of a pear tree also came to symbolize premature or tragic death. We learned that we must share what we have to people who are in need we should not be selfish because God blessed us by the whole universe to us and we are very thankful for what he'd done for us because in
Philippians 2 :: NIV. then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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