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Michirou and Kyojurou was leaving in the estate and saw Zenitsu, Genya and Tanjiro. Kyojurou put Michirou down and then they approaching the trio.

" Rengoku-san!" Tanjiro said in happy to see him. Despite his face was swelling

" Kamado! Good to see you again!" Kyojurou said

" Why are two doing here?" Tanjiro asked

" I'm here because Young Tokito need my help to find her friends so since she already found you. I'm going to wait there!" Kyojurou said and walkaway leaving them

" Michirou! I apologize for the trouble we cause!" Tanjiro said looking so guilty. His face was bruised

" Hmm?"

" What happened to your head? Michirou?" Zenitsu said as he notice her head has weird shape

" Don't tell me you fought that guy!? He's totally scary!" Zenitsu yelled as he received a smack from Genya

" Can you stop insulting my older brother!" Genya yelled

" That hurt! "

' if we hadn't stop them they will continue  til night' Michirou thought

" So what happened to your head? Michirou?" Tanjiro asked

" Isn't that obvious. He smacked my head very harshly. So harshly he didn't apologize to me!" Michirou said as she was pouting

" That's so scary!"

" Don't worry. We're just playing!" Michirou said. Wanting to tease Sanemi again

" You called that play!" Zenitsu yelled

" Yeah!" Michirou said still pouting.

Genya wasn't talking too much because Michirou was still in front of them. Embarrassed.

Michirou flicked thier forehead as she put some healing to them. Thier swelling face and bruised fade away.

' Woah...what happened? ' Genya thought as he witness what happened

" Thanks." Zenitsu said

" Thank you very much. Michirou" Tanjiro said and smiled at her

' His eyes are similar to my father.' Michirou thought as she look at Tanjiro more like zoning out.

" Michirou?"

" Michirou?"

" What!"

" Your being airhead again.." Zenitsu said

" Sorry?"

" So Do you need something?" Tanjiro asked

" Well. I'm just wondering where Zenitsu live before and where he trained?" Michirou said

" Why do you need to know that?" Zenitsu asked

" Well. I'm curious about that. " Michirou said

" Well. I live with my grandpa. The old man who trained me that's why I'm here" Zenitsu said

" I mean where? Location?" Michirou said



Raven land in front of Muichiro as Raven saying the message for Muichiro.

" That thing? Is that Michi's crow?" Muichiro muttered as he next to crow

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now