E S C A P E ?

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((I'm new to writing story's so sorry if it's bad))
-child abuse
-SH? (Self harm)

Alarms was heard from miles away, the police was at it again saving the day or atleast trying to.

They was shouting in a microphone to get the killer out but nothing not even a sound of worry passed from that house, the killer didn't even care did they?
The police man started to get annoyed before hearing a woman scream and shout for help.
Before the woman can carry on shouting for help from anyone ; the windows broke from the police men going in the house to save whoever life was gonna to end.

Let's say two police men was harm and the woman to was hard, it wasn't like they haven't been here before ; They gotten called multiple times about screams of a teenage screaming in pain then it just stops, But let's not talk about that let's talking about the boy getting pinned down to the cop car.

Three hours before this happend

"Your fucking useless ! You piece of shit." A man slaps the poor child infront of him , making him spill whatever was in his hands making the man more angry. "You did it again! Mess up something other then your little arms!" The man laughed at his cruel joke but it didn't last long before he got up and grabbed the boys hair and then slamming him on the cold, hard ground just to get kick over and over.

Pov ; Jay Harris.
Ages : 12.

"I'm sorry! Please stop it hurts.." i groaned in pain as my 'father' kicked me over and over "Please! No more I can't take it anymore.!" I cried out , breaking down as tears ran down my cut cheek this hurted like a bitch and I was expected to take it all.

"Fine , only because you begged for it.. I have only one thing to say which Is only if you was the perfect son I ever wanted maybe you wouldn't be in this position." Father laughed at me as he walked out the room, he was trying to make me feel like I could have done better or atleast tried to.

I layed there for a few minutes before getting back up , I felt thrustly though I new if i took a sip of water or even dare to touch it without permission I would end up getting beaten and this time I would have to take it.

I sighed at this and walk upstairs to find sister playing on her phone , I wanted to speak to her but she hated me for letting father take his rage out on her...I decided to go into my room where I can actually escape this household and get some peace.

I noticed something sharp on the floor it wasn't long until thoughts of murdering my 'family' came in my mind, it's not like I wanted to do it....right?

I carry on looking at the sharp object before picking it up and testing it out on my arm.
I did a deep cut on my arm, I felt strangely calm like all the weight on my shoulder disappeared I liked this feeling so I did a other cut.

Blood rush down the sides as i smiled weirdly , I look over at my father room infront of mine and got up ; walking over to his room and open it quietly, he was taking his afternoon nap which meant I can do something cruel back to him.
I carefully came closer and aim the weapon at father's heart before stabbing it straight inside him.

Father scream in pain as I stabbed him over and over , my smiled grew as I began laughing this felt wrong and I was loving it.
I wanted to test something so I slide his neck open seeing blood gusting out.

"What the fuck.." A voice came from behide it was sister!
"Hello sister!" I said happly that she came to see this amazing show I just did sadly it didn't last long until this happy, fun moment was ruin.

She scream at me "what the fuck did you do!....y-you psopath!" Lily seem scared? I didn't know why but it angryed me.
"What do you mean lily?" I whisper "i finally got rid of the monster." I said coldly whiling glaring at her , I wasn't the real monster of this story right...Im not sure all I felt was happiness with anger they was mixing together.

Lily grabbed the lamb and smash my head with it "KILL YOURSELF JAY!" She shouted , I looked up slowly as my forehead bleed from the attack.
I tighten my grip around the weapon and cut her stomach with it , she screamed in pain as police came.

She tried to run but I trip her over and cut her leg as she scream for help the windows smashed and we was found.

And now here we are , my body being pinned down on the police men car whiling being handcuff I didn't take any notice to Lily shouting words that could hurt anyone really.

"YOU MONSTER! ..." Everything went blank after that I passed out.


Yay we at the end now! Thanks for reading this part of the story

My thinking of making a Timeskip to where his 18 and he done some pretty up mess things in jail, should I do it?


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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