Typical Teenager

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[Oscorp- New York Upstate]

Oscorp tower stood to be the highest peak amidst a sea of bland concrete spires. Every local and crazy knew what Oscorp Robotics was, and everyone knew the king behind the throne, Norman Osborn. He was a man of great intellect and pride. no one would ever get a chance to undermine him, nor would they hear an apology uttered from his lips. Many saw him as one of the most successful Black men to achieve such status in a time when many aspects of society weren't kind to the African-American community. To many, Oscorp was a promise that no matter what pit you may find yourself in, there will always be a brighter future to be obtained with a strong will.

Within one of the advanced genetics labs stood two men covering over a small green capsule, one which contained multiple brown arachnids. The lights were dimmed low inside, and the eerieness was illuminated by countless cold, calculating machines scattered around the concave box. Norman stood next to the capsule, donning a sleek gray tuxedo that glimmered with the green light shining around him.

With dark beige skin and wavy hair, he broke normal hairstyles for his age group, as it reminded him that his late thirties weren't far from youth just yet. He leaned forward and carefully cupped one of the spiders onto his palm, ever so steady as to not agitate the confused creature.

"Mr. Osborn?" Questioned his assistant, who cautiously observed his employer handle the spider with such care.

"Do you fancy Greek mythology, Henry?" Asked Norman, with eyes fixated on the thousands of brown hairs sticking up the creature. Emerald irises glued onto the Spider's black eyes as if he could peer into the very soul of it.

"I can't say that I do."

"There's a myth about a woman named Arachne. My pops used to read it to me most nights. The story goes like this-- there was this woman, just a mere mortal, like you. She was known as the unrivaled spinstress. The once unrivaled goddess Athena, well, she didn't take that kindly. One day, she walks onto Earth and challenges Arachne to a weaving contest, and when Arachne wins, Athena takes her rage out on the land. When the meadows were scorched and the seas dried out, Arachne cursed the God and hung herself. Athena took pity on the girl, touched her on the forehead with a magic liquid, and said: "You shall not die, Arachne. Instead, you shall be transformed and weave your web forever." Arachne shrank and blackened, and from that day onward, Arachne was forced to spin a web."

"Uh, Mr. Osborn?" Henry interjected, holding a buzzing phone in his hand. "Harry said he needs to be picked up earlier today."

Norman simply grunted before gently placing the Spider back inside the capsule, departing without uttering another word. Henry stayed behind to move the hive of arachnids back into their exhibition center, as they needed to be properly prepared for the upcoming field trip.


Fall breeze and sunshine protected the residents from the threat of winter, although many looked forward to the festive season. This small town was small and thus allowed for easy connections. Everyone knew everyone, and somebody hated somebody. September was usually the hottest of the fading summer days. Sun glistened and beamed down on the small island without remorse for days on end, only reassuring that the striking cold would soon strike.

On this particular day, many schools had let out earlier due to recent protests and strikes against entertainment industries, which many students simply viewed as a means to escape fear-inducing tests and overbearing teachers. While many students went off to join impromptu house parties or join in on shopping sprees, one boy chose to use this time more wisely than others.

A young boy with golden brown skin dressed in a black and white hoodie and black jeans. Large headphones were almost completely concealed by a noirette bundle of curls. Melodies of synchronized vibrations loudly danced into his ears, which didn't bother him at this point. It would probably end up detrimental in later years, but he was young, so it didn't cross his mind just yet.

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