Chapter 31-Rhea, Queen of Daxam

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Lena raised an eyebrow at the ship as a holographic projection of a woman in a garish tiara appeared in front of them, then all over the city.

"I am Rhea, Queen of Daxam." The hologram said. "We demand the return of our princess Ra-El, commonly known as Naomi Luthor. If she is not handed over we will commence an invasion to retrieve her by force. You have one hour."

The hologram disappeared and the ship outside the window turned what was unmistakably some kind of weapons towards them as M'gann and Eliza came running in.

"Disarm them." Lena said.

Cat looked at her surprised. There was a high pitch whistle and Cat turned in time to see Singer and Pinky land on the ship going directly for the guns and tearing them off as the protective shields around the penthouse slammed into place.

Lena saw the camera guy had turned everything off and was already yanking out cords to make sure nothing could remotely record. She made a mental note to tell Cat to pay him extra. She flicked her eyes around the apartment as the rest of her security team came running in.

Lena had a plan she needed to follow. She looked at Naomi and gives her a kiss on the top of her head breathing in her scent for a moment making sure she remembered every tiny detail of her daughter in her arms before she handed her to Eliza and grabbed one of the emergency bags. Heading to the fridge she grabbed the second bag of milk. She handed them both to Eliza.

"Frank, Jay, get them out of the building. M'gann take Eliza and Naomi to the lockdown location and enact the protocols. M'gann then to the ship and wait for Kara. We'll initiate the handover if and only if it becomes necessary after discussions."

They both nodded and Lena allowed herself one last look at her daughter in Eliza's arms before she turned away heading for the nursery.

She grabbed the Kryptonian baby blanket and started digging through the laundry.

Kara called.

"Naomi is going to the safe location with Eliza. Meet me at the labs near CatCo, bring our core team."

Cat looked at her watching carefully as she stuffed dirty diapers into a bag. Lena turned to Cat.

"Ms. Grant, I believe your assistance would be most helpful."

Cat nodded quickly.

"Whatever you need."

Lena turned to Hector and then Pinky as she melted through the shields looking online slightly ruffled.

" I have a job for you both."

Half an hour later Winn gives a final nod indicating he was ready. Cat looked at the camera giving the go ahead as Kara and Lena took their places in the background.

"Hello. I am Cat Grant, Queen of all media. I am here to speak with you on behalf of the citizens of National City."

They waited. Rhea appeared.

"The people of National City have no reason to be concerned, as long as they comply with our orders they will be unharmed. We are only concerned with the return of our princess to her father." Rhea said. "After that we will leave."

Cat stared Rhea down giving her best skeptical look.

"So you get Supergirl's daughter and you all leave? Hundreds of ships hovering all over this city. I'll just say it now I'm not buying it. You brought all these ships for a baby? One the father initially rejected and still has visitation with. What are you really after."

Rhea smiled at Cat. It was not a nice smile. Rhea's eyes turned to Lena and stayed. Lena glared back.

"Something to say Mrs. Luthor?" Rhea asked.

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