Chapter 2

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Ava was woken by the sound of screams of laughter. She sighed heavily, wondering what the time was.

"It's only quarter to six." Sara mumbled sleepily beside her.

"It's the first day of the summer holidays." Ava said as she stretched and rolled over towards Sara, fluttering her eyes open. "Have they been awake long?"

"Don't know." Sara said. "I heard Lizzie get up and go to the bathroom not long ago. She must have got Rosie out of bed too. I think Rosie was already awake. Why does sunrise have to be so damn early? It's been light for nearly an hour."

"It's really not small-child friendly, is it?" Ava said as the hysterical laughter from down the hall continued. "What are they doing?"

"No idea?"

"Want to check?"

"Not sure."

They lay in silence for a couple of minutes while the girls' laughter continued, and seemed to be getting sillier and sillier.

"Okay, that's enough." Sara said, pushing back the covers and swinging her legs out of bed. "I need to see what they're doing."

"Okay." Ava said, happy to stay put and let Sara report back.

She closed her eyes and listened to Sara's footsteps and her muffled words as she spoke to the girls. For a moment the house was calm before Elizabeth and Rosie erupted into laughter again, and this time Sara joined in. A minute later Sara returned to their room.

"Hey, Babe?"

"Yeah Babe?"

"You need to come see what they're up to."

Ava groaned but got out of bed all the same. Sara took her hand and led her to Elizabeth's room, where the girls were giggling. As soon as Ava entered, they erupted into new fits of laughter, and Ava couldn't help but smile at the cause. The previous Christmas, Behrad had got them a giant standing soft zebra toy, creatively named Giant Zebra by Elizabeth. At the time, its head had stood higher than Rosie, though she was now just taller than it. However, one of the girls, undoubtedly Elizabeth, had decided that she should put a pair of her spotty knickers and some lacy socks on the zebra. The result was so ridiculous that Ava couldn't help but laugh.

"What is Giant Zebra doing?" Ava chuckled.

"Wearing knickers!" Elizabeth laughed.

"Is Zebah!" Rosie said with a giggle.

"It is Giant Zebra." Ava said, picking Rosie up for a hug, and thinking she did look very soft in her little lilac bunny-print onesie, before running her spare hand through Elizabeth's tangled bed-hair. "Why are you awake so early? You don't get up until seven on school days. Even yesterday, being the last day of the school year and all sorts of fun things happening at school, I still had to remind you to get out of bed."

"Knickers! On Giant! Zebra!" Elizabeth laughed, struggling to get a proper breath in between her fits of laughter.

Ava looked at Sara and handed Rosie to her, realizing she was not going to get any sense out of Elizabeth. Sara looked contently resigned to the situation as Rosie cuddled into her.

"Come on, everyone back to our bed." Sara said, rubbing Rosie's back. "Where's Roger? He might as well join us too."

"Roger is downstairs I think." Elizabeth said with a straight face for half a second before looking back at the toy zebra and bursting out laughing again.

"How about we take the underwear off Giant Zebra, then get the cat and we'll all go to bed together." Ava said, thinking that was a sentence she never thought she'd say.

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