Chapter 33-One Day Old

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Day two of Lilly's life outside the womb, and already, she was taking charge. Sleep came in the form of short naps the night before, with Meredith waking every three hours to feed the baby. Not that either of them minded. Ever a sleepless night trumped sending her off to the nursery. Lilly was theirs, and even the thought of having her sleep all the way down the hall was unbearable.

It was just after eight in the morning when Lilly decided she was hungry again, and she let's out a small cry, alerting her parents to pick her up and feed her. They heard the tiny wail coming from the bassinet next to the hospital bed, and Derek immediately reached over and scooped her up.

"Good morning." He greeted her. "The sun's actually out now, which is nice."

Meredith glanced over at the clock on her nightstand.

"The last time she ate, it was 5:15." She said, feeling along her chest. "My boobs feel a little full. She's probably hungry."

"We got through the first night... without help from anyone. I'd say that's pretty impressive." Derek boasted while Meredith adjusted her shirt.

"I think so." Meredith said.

She laughed tiredly. Derek handed Lilly to her, and she held the baby to her breast.

"Ready, peanut?" Meredith asked. Lilly rested her tiny hand on top without Meredith even putting it there, and she helped the baby latch on. "There you go."

"Good job." Derek encouraged his daughter. "I'm glad we kept her here last night."

"Me too."

There was a short knock on the door, then Dr. Halloran entered their room holding both Meredith's and Lilly's charts.

"Good morning." She smiled. "How are you doing today? Feeling okay?"

"I feel good. A little sore, but other than that, I'm fine." Meredith replied. "And Lilly is perfect. Really no issues with nursing, either."

Dr. Halloran recorded all of that into the chart and nodded.

"Very good." She said. "Any bleeding or cramping?"

"Spotting, mostly. My abdomen feels tender, but not really crampy." Meredith shrugged. "But that's normal, right?"

"Absolutely. As long as it's in small amounts, there's nothing to worry about. And the abdominal pain is normal, too. Childbirth takes a real toll on your body, so some discomfort is to be expected." The doctor explained.

"Okay." Meredith said.

"Looks like you have a good eater." Dr. Halloran commented when she saw Lilly nursing. "Sometimes, babies are hesitant or get stressed. But it seems like you guys are doing just fine. How about her plumbing? Any dirty diapers?"

"She's peed a few times, and has had some gas. Nothing else yet." Derek answered.

"Give her a few hours. I'm sure something's coming." Dr. Halloran laughed. "Any questions for me?"

Meredith ran a hand through her tangled hair and messy bun. "I can shower, right? I wanted to get one last night, but I was exhausted."

"Oh, sure. Would you like me to take her to the nursery, so you both have some time to freshen up?" The doctor offered.

"No, we're okay." Meredith said, hugging Lilly close to her chest. "It's just... I like to have her near me."

Dr. Halloran smiled in understanding.

"Okay." She said. "Well, I'll be back to check on you a little later. You still have hours before you're discharged, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to page me, okay?"

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