Chapter 36-Up All Night

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One week had passed, and the Shepherd household was officially taken over by a new baby. Lilly-palooza, as Derek had to aptly dubbed it. Blankets, socks, onesies, and stacks of diapers piled high on nearly every surface. It was exhausting, but they wouldn't trade a minute of it.

Meredith rubbed her eyes and yawned, cradled Lilly in one arm as she dumped some Cheerios into a bowl. The thunder outside clapped loudly and she jumped at the sound it made.

"Sorry about that, Lilly." Meredith said.

She laughed when the baby looked up at her in curiosity. She poured some milk on top of the cereal, grabbed a spoon from the drawer, and hopped up onto a stool.

"I'm getting good at the whole one-handed thing." She told Lilly before shoveling a bite into her mouth.

Over the past few days, eating had become nothing more than a way to fuel her body. She never thought breastfeeding would take so much energy, and Derek sometimes had to remind her to eat. Lilly trumped eating and sleeping, but they didn't mind. Lilly was more important and fun than either of those things, anyway.

When Meredith heard Charlie barking by the front door, she smiled.

"Daddy's home." She said. "And just in time, because I could really use a shower."

Derek walked through the door and into the kitchen, grocery bags in each of his hands.

"Hey." He greeted, leaning in to kiss Lilly's forehead before kissing Meredith.

She smiled.

"Hey." Meredith murmured against his lips. "Still raining, huh?"

"Hmm, what gave it away?" Derek asked, running his hand through his wet hair. "So, what did she do while I was gone? Did I miss anything cute?"

"Well, she ate. And then she pooped. And she decided to be squirmy, so there was poop everywhere, including on me." Meredith laughed, running her finger over the baby's cheek. "So she had a bath, and now I'm eating cereal for dinner."

"Sounds like you had a busy hour." Derek chuckled, taking the groceries from the bags and setting them on the counter. "Oh, I got those new wipes, the ones in the green pack. They're for sensitive skin."

"I got rid of the other ones this afternoon. They were making her butt all red. You got the sensitive skin from me. Sorry sweetpea." Meredith said to Lilly.

"There should help." Derek said as he pulled the wipes from the bag.

Meredith took another spoonful of cereal into her mouth. "What else did you get?"

"Granola bars, apple juice, mini carrots, chicken. Lots of foods that'll help you keep up your energy." Derek replied, opening the fridge.

"Thank you." Meredith said with a smile, though she would have preferred cookies and frozen pizza.

But he was sweet enough to buy the food, and therefore eventually cook it, so she decided not to protest.

"So I was thinking that we could have some grown-up time after Lilly falls asleep tonight." Derek suggested.

Meredith bites her lip and laughed. "Uh-huh. Does this involve nudity?"

Derek grinned. "It could. If you wanted it to."

"I had a baby seven days ago. You sure you want to see me naked?" Meredith asked playfully. "And I have to warn you... I kind of smell like a hamper and baby poop."

"You look beautiful. And you don't smell." Derek assured her. "But if you don't want to, we can keep it PG."

"Maybe PG-13. You look kind of sexy right now." Meredith shrugged.

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