"Always In Power."

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    (A/N Hello everyone! Welcome to the first part of ITSOOF! Before you begin I would just like to put a trigger warning for this whole story up here! So Trigger Warning: Implied/References Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Incest, Implied/Reference to sexual activities, violence and Ominis's family being the worst. Please stay safe while reading! Love you all!)

" Gaunts will always be in Power." Ominis got told this all his life. Ever since childhood, that was all he would hear from his family members.
    The Gaunts were one of the most influential and wealthiest families in Britain and one of the most feared. No one in the wizarding world didn't know who the Gaunts were; their looming presence was always in the back of everyone's mind.
    Ominis's family couldn't even go out for the day without getting stared at or whispered at by the local townspeople. He always thought that it was because their family was highly respected; it wasn't until he was eleven that he realized it was because everyone hated them.

    Ominis sat in the carriage, his head swaying as they hit the bumps and dips in the road to the Hogwarts entrance. It was finally time, it was the start of his last year at Hogwarts, and then he could finally escape and leave not only the prying eyes of the students within the walls but from his family.
    He heard shuffling before him; his father had come with him to the drop-off like he usually did every year. Most would think it's to see him off like most parents do; his father's intentions weren't as wholesome.
    "Stop slouching; you look pathetic." his father's rough and deep voice filled the silence; Ominis immediately straightened his posture, staring vacantly at the carriage floor. His father sighs heavily, "Remember, Ominis, you are a Gaunt. You have to act like it. Otherwise, you make us look like fools." Ominis remained silent, "Always in Power." his father stated.
    There it was again, that damned motto. The damn motto that gave Ominis's family the ego stroke of the century.
    "Yes, Father," he says softly, wanting the conversation to cease. The rest of the trip was silent, much to Ominis's approval; once the carriage stopped, the door swung open. Ominis made his way out of it, his wand guiding his way, the cold air crisp autumn air nipping at his nose and cheeks.
    The door to the carriage closed, making Ominis jump at the sudden noise, "Well, well, well, took you long enough." a familiar voice says, making Ominis lift his head slightly.
    "Kind of hard to get here early when I live in Little Hangleton Sebastian," Ominis responds, a smile tugging at his lips. Sebastian Sallow was one of Ominis's good friends, one of his oldest. He and his sister were his only friends for the longest time; of course, his family disapproved heavily because the Sallows had no affiliation with the House of Gaunt and the House of Black. Of course, Ominis could care less.
    "Fair enough." Sebastian responds, a sly smirk curled on his lips, "Care to join Silas and me?"
    "I would be delighted to." Ominis follows Sebastian as they walk through the gate; Mr. Moon greets them as they walk through the protective charm that surrounds the school. He closes the gate behind them, and a loud whoosh noise can be heard when the door shuts, ensuring the veil is sealed.
    "Ominis! Sebastian!" Another familiar voice makes itself known. Ominis smiles softly, "Hello, Silas. I hope you had a good holiday."
     "I did, thank you." Silas smiles as the three walk together to the school's entrance. They all eventually catch up to the other students filing into the great hall and chattering with one another. Ominis, Sebastian, and Silas make their way to the Slytherin table. As usual, the sorting ceremony was as eventful as every other year, which usually ended with Ominis slowly nodding off until the ceremony was over. After the ceremony was always the best because of the feast, the three of them all served themselves food and started to eat.
    Ominis ate; happily, all he ever needed in life was Sebastian and Silas by his side; they had been through so much together. First, the scriptorium and the relic in their fifth year of school, then in their sixth year, Silas dragged the two of them to take out all of the poachers and rescue the beasts that were trapped.
     Over a couple of years he spent with the two, he and Silas have gotten closer. They both confided in each other and helped one another with their problems. On the other hand, they had a bit of a falling out when Sebastian kept persisting in dabbling in the dark arts, which eventually led to the demise of his uncle. Thankfully Sebastian and Anne had family in Hogsmeade that took them in. But as the years passed, they mended their friendship and are now as close as ever.
    "So. Summer. How was it?" asks Sebastian as he takes a bite of some turkey. Silas swallows his food and looks at Sebastian and Ominis, "Well, my father and I were taking care of some mooncalves that got trafficked. And now my father has built a reservation in his nab sack for Ocamy." Sebastian takes another big bite of meat.
      "Ocamy, huh? I've heard they're searched after because of their eggshells."
    "Hence why we are trying to protect them," Silas says, rolling his eyes lightly. Sebastian lets out a low laugh as he keeps eating.
    "So, what about you, Ominis?" Ominis moves towards where he thinks Silas's voice is coming from. He swallows hard and sits up a bit.
    "Well..." he puts his hand on his ring finger and twists the ring that he's wearing between his fingers, "Well, I didn't do much. I mostly just ended up staying in my room." The tone in his voice is a bit hesitant and nervous. He hoped that the other two wouldn't notice it.

    "Are you sure that's all that happened..?" It seems his efforts were in vain.

    "Yes, Silas, I'm sure. Thank you for asking." Sebastian and Silas glanced at one another, noticing the harsh bite behind his tone. Both mutually agreed not to push any further.
    "Well, if you two were curious, my summer was fantastic. I got to see Anne for the first time since the incident. She actually wanted to see me." This made the two other boys turn their heads in Sebastian's direction, both flabbergasted.
    "Really? That's great!" exclaimed Silas showing his big toothy grin. Ominis nods in agreement with a small smile.
    "I know! I'm relieved she wanted to see me."

    Ominis stared blankly in front of himself, feeling himself retreat into his mind at the mention of Anne. He never overcame what happened at the scriptorium and the catacombs; he never will. It was something that haunted his dreams besides the memories of his parents. There were some nights when Ominis would dream where he was back running through the catacombs with Silas in the lead; he could still hear the inferi, their scratchy and inhuman growls filling his ear. The smell of burning, mummified skin fills his nostrils, making him want to vomit up his dinner. But in the end, he always wakes up in a cold sweat and in the Slytherin dorms.
    "Ominis, are you okay?" Ominis is brought back to his senses, and he nods softly.
    "Yes, I am okay. I think I'm going to turn in for the night." Ominis gets up from the table, his wand drawn and a red pulsing light beam from it. Sebastian and Silas sat in silence, watching Ominis leave the great hall.

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