Data Deletion.

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~ It seemed like a very peaceful day in Slum Autumn, everything seemed normal and there seemed to be nothing wrong until all the sudden, the world began to glitch out. The world began to shapeshift into different shapes and became all buggy that caused everyone to freak out. These are all of the point of views of everyone that was affected by the data removal, the end of a world. ~



Cashier quickly lifted his head up and backed away from the glitchy environment, Dummy backs away with Cashier as the both of them looked very confused. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Cashier shrieked as he looked at the world slowly shapeshifting back to the beginning, Dummy looked out of the store's windows and noticed how some of the npcs were disappearing, those npcs being the game plus npcs. "Cashier, people are disappearing.." Dummy spoke with a terrified tone which made Cashier more paranoid. Cashier turned around and looked at the window. "Oh no no no nooo....what if we disappear too?!" Cashier was worried and didn't even understand why this was happening while Dummy seemed to understand a bit once they soon realized on what was happening, it was clear in their body language and voice tone that they knew this wasn't going to be good. "I don't think we'll disappear, Cashier. I think I know what's happening.." Dummy said with slight hesitation knowing that Cashier wouldn't like to hear this.

Cashier was desperate for an answer, he just wanted to know what was happening and why. "WHAT'S HAPPENING THEN?? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Cashier said with a worried tone in his voice, he just wanted an answer from Dummy. Dummy was hesitant at first to answer but they knew it was better to be honest with Cashier even if this emotionally crushes Cashier even more. "The world's data is being deleted." Dummy spoke. Cashier's eyes widened and it took him some time to process what Dummy just said, Cashier seemed hesitant to accept the answer. "Come on have to be kidding. This has to be some type of sick joke, right??" Cashier didn't seem willing to accept the answer he was given, he knew exactly what this meant and he didn't want to accept it. Dummy could tell that Cashier didn't believe it, Dummy spoke even more. "I'm sorry Cashier, it's true. Our world is being restarted back to the beginning." Dummy was a bit blunt with their answer however they showed some slight guilt for telling Cashier, knowing he won't take this lightly.

Cashier goes silent, that's not a good sign. Cashier's breathing slowly started to become quicker, his heart beat was racing, his body began to shake as he fails down to his knees. Cashier felt disorientated and couldn't think clearly. Dummy took notice and quickly took action. "Cashier, it's going to be okay, concentrate on your breathing." Dummy stayed close to Cashier as they tried the best they could to help him. Cashier doesn't respond as he tried his best to slow down his breathing, it was clear that he needed some assistance and Dummy was willing to help. "Cashier, repeat what I do. Breathe in deeply and count to 10." Dummy breathes in deep and counts to 10, Cashier repeats this and follows along. This ends up calming down Cashier, he's still feeling scared but he's feeling a lot better due to Dummy being by his side and helping him calm down.

"You're doing great, Cashier. How do you feel right now?" Dummy asked as they noticed how Cashier seems to feel better. "I'm feeling.. a lot better now. I'm still scared though." Cashier speaks with a hint of shakiness in his voice however he sounded like he's a lot calmer. Dummy nods their head in response and speaks again. "That's good, I understand on how scared you are of this. It's hard to accept this and watch the world crumble back to stage 1 but we'll get through this. We'll get through this together." Dummy's voice sounded reassuring and calm, which made Cashier feel better and it seemed like he was starting to understand it more. Cashier was more accepting but there was two more things that bothered him. "Thanks Dummy, i'm just.. scared about losing my memories. I also don't want to lose my freedom."

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