part 1

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~Chapter 1 The beginning...*Ash point of view*

I woke up in a room with my eyes exposed, so I got a blue cloth and cut some of it to work as a blindfold. I look to see a girl and a boy. The girl seems to be my age, 15, and the boy seems to be 12 or 11. I sat down for around 20 to 30 minutes when the girl with short curly hair woke up.

*Dawn point of view*

I woke up in a weird room with a girl with blue cloth on her eyes. Her hair is long and purple.

She said, "What's your name?"


"I'm Ashley, but you can call me Ash."

I asked her about the cloth on her eyes. But she said "Don't worry about it. I don't wanna talk about it " And then the boy she noted about the boy who was asleep and then the boy yelled "IM AWAKE YOU DUMB PEOPLE!" The boy then paused and said "You purple haired girl, aren't you the popular killer?"

Ash said "I'm not the kind of person who would do those killings. Well, I did, but l'll talk about it later."

Deaths of friends - an oc storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz