Braloint Ovirign story

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My name is Braloint WInters. Twin of Ashe WInters and daughter/fart of Mark winters....this is my story.

It all started the day me and ashe were born. I was the ugly twin...i was always just tootgn and farting around with no real purpose. I had no hair.  I had ugly eyes and Beautiufl brown locks. I was so ugly that not even Mark wanted me. He just....put me in a cardboard box and left me on the side of the road. I was picked up and passed around.. and evenually I was left at the docks of the sea. It was then that I found my forever home..l... The Black Rose. I met a boy named Chip there,... and we became very close. Lizzie was there too and her and I are likme best friends foever (she's straight in this). We'd have sleepovers in he cagro bay and we wdoul talk about our crushes...when it odl her that i had a crush on chip she threw me off the ship in a fit of rage and i almost drowned. i later found out thwat i was the lucky one in   all of this because we fought just before the hole in the sea so liek iof i stayed on the ship i wouldvve died but i dint/. wehen i got pushe dinto the sea i emt a noy named gillion. we became fast friends and when we became closer he told me he was asexual. i was like Um what is that? What is sex. and he was like Um i dont really know i dont know why i said that i domnt even know what sex is either. and that was the end of that comnversation. All i know is that if he had said sokmeting like "i love warm milk" lets just say i wouldve sput in his face. AFTER spending time in the undersea with gillion..... gillion eventually got kicked out for killing some guy and i was like "Um? youre a freak" and punched him like super hard and he died. Im super syrong and anytime i punch or kick someone they die instantly. im also extremely pretty so i can win anyone over with just one look. When i was a baby i was ugly but now im preyttyy and everyuone loves me. a part of me wonders that if i went to mark and ashe now that they would ove me again because im pretty. After a ferw years after gillions deat, i met chip again. I was sitting at the bar in  a tavern and sudenly tgus guy walks in and rips crazy ass in front of everyone and i was like Oh mygoodnes... it was love at first fart....and then i realized...i know that was.....


I ran across the bar andembraced him with my arms and mmouth. we kissed and then i farted and then we got kicked out of the bar for causing too much of a scene (Fartphobic bastards...). CHip invite dme to travel with him across the sea and i told him Yes! I lkove you little farter.,... but first can we go see my bioloigical fdad and twin. and he gasped "You  ahev a twin??" "Yes" "okay" and we left the tavern and went to marks house. when we arrived (by boat) i noticed there was a memorial outside of the house. IN loving memory of.... of... IOF MY MOM??? Grrrr..... i growled angirly and smashed down the door "MARK WINFERSSS" I roared int the house. i felt the ground shake beneath me as feet ran down the staurs. "WHATS HAPPENING HJERE??" it was twin.,...he was so ugly..... he will never be as beuaitufl as me. A smirked a ,ittle smirk at him when i saw his scared face. "Who are you. get out of thuis house..Nwo..." mark shouted ina w hisper... i beard th ecock of a gun and i heard chip gasp loudly behind me "BRALOINT WATCH OUT!!!!" he roareed and pushed me out of the way and jumped in front of the gun as mark shot a bullet into his heart. "CHIIIPPPPPPPP" I yuelled so loud mark screamed in pain. chip let out s groan and a sad little fart. "chip... baby please are you still with me,... mplease muy little farter come back to me.. come back tooter..." i sad kissing him on the lips. with my kiss however,m chip was revived instantly. mark gasped and held back a flinch as i stood up in ainger.... Gr.... i growled as i turn towards him and raise a hand towards him... " your daiuvhter...i come back to se eyou and you shoot my farting BOUFRIEWND????" AHHHHHHHHHH i screamed and i punched him in the gut. he fell to the ground and said "no... youre not my fdaughter... my daughter was a fucking ugo..." he said before gasping and then fallin g dead. ashe stood there in shock "oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god now i have two dead parents oh my god oh ym god i need to tell dakota about this" he said in a nerdy little voice. mark then came back from the dead really quick just to say to me "fag" and then he died again. i truened around and made out with chip over marks dead body. we farted and kissed for like an hour i thjink before we left and then started sailing the seas.....we decided to call ourselves... the riptide pirates......

OKay guys this was the bvraloint rpoigin story please commentyour thoughts in the comment seciton below also vote me pleasem thx

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