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Today is Prince Yongbok's 8th birthday. And his mother and Father decided not to give him a big birthday, Since the prince only wanted to be with His mom and dad.

Felix smiled as he ran around the big rose garden. Hyunjin watched him with a big smile on his face, he got up before going to his husband. "Isn't he just lovely Dear?" He asked "Its all because of you my love" The king said and kissed Hyunjins cheek.

Felix looked at them before asking for attention. "Yes my prince? You want some ups?" Hyunjin asked before picking the boy up. The prince snuggled his face onto his mom.

Chan looked at them before calling Penny, Felix's pony. "Hey there girl..." Chan smiled and the pony made a cute sound.

Felix was walking around the rose garden with his parents before a guard came in the garden. "King..Queen, Prince Yongbok. I know you told me not to come right now but King..I need your help!" The guard said.

Chan looked at his wife and his child before sighing "You should go dear...Im sure they need you" Hyunjin softly smiled "But what about you and Lixie?..." Chan asked.

"We'll be fine...." Hyunjin smiled "Im really sorry lixie...Its your birthday and I wasnt here for that long..." Chan sadly caressed Felix's hand.

The little boy smiled "Downt wowwy dwaddy! I hawd fuwn towday! Thankchuu dwaddy!" The prince smiled and kissed his Dads cheek.

Chan smiled before pecking the boys head. He turned to his husband before smiling.."Please take care okay? Ill be back as soon as I can...I love you both" Chan kissed Hyunjins lips for a while before smiling at him. "Be safe dear....I love you too" Hyunjin smiled.

Chan waved at his family before following the guard. Felix looked at his mom before smiling at him. "Mwommy cawn we pway with the butterfwies?" Felix asked. Hyunjin softly nodded before picking him up.

Hyunjin held onto Felix's small hands as they search for butterflies. Hyunjin suddenly heard some rustling on a bush and when he turned back to Felix he was......Gone....

The omegas eyes widened before he felt himself getting suddenly sleeping.

And before he knew it. He had already fainted.

Chapter 1

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