Day 1: A New PlayMate...

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[Neagi's POV]

Hello. My name is Makoto Naegi. I'm just your normal high schooler. And I hate it. I'm so average that whenever you ask me what my favorite movie is, it'll be whatever is popular and I hate it. I'm so boring and average that even my grades are average and I hate it. I'm even average on the outside and inside and I hate it. Average, Average, Average...I hate being average. I don't want to be average. I want to be someone special. Someone who isn't average. I don't have any talents, no hobbies, no anything, but just an average high schooler with no talents at all. People think that it must be cool to be average and not have to worry about anything but that's wrong. It's not fun being an average high schooler who always has to cheer on other people's rewards and talents. It's no fun being me. It's not fun at all. I tried my best to do the hardest I can but in the end, there was also that one person who has to be better than me. My parents always tell me to not give up on Hope and believe in myself. That kept telling me that over and over and over again. I didn't want my parents to worry about me so for years and years I pretend to have this cheerful attitude when I'm around my family and friends. I always pretend to laugh, cheer, support, and have fun with everyone I'm with but in reality I don't feel those ways. I'm not emotional but whenever I'm talking to my friends, they'll always talk about their life and hobbies. Whether or not it's sports, gaming, reading, writing, or even swimming. They all seem so talented and smart while I on the other hand have none of that and I'm sick and tired of not having a talent. The only thing that I found good about myself is that I'm lucky. You might be wondering "How is being lucky something good about you?" Well, I don't know. I mean, yea it's good to be lucky but I'm not "that" lucky at all. I'm unlucky. Most of the time, I'll either trip or fall whenever I walk, I'm always late, My things always break, and I always lose things. Sure, those are basic things that are unlucky that happen to be every single day. and I hate it. I'm never lucky, except for when I'm playing rock, paper, scissors, shot in a large group. I'm always the one, That's just one time when I'm always lucky. So when I heard about Hopes Peak Academy was scouting Normal high schoolers to be Ultimate Lucky Students, I couldn't help but put myself in there. I thought, "This can be my only chance to get into a school with the most talented high school students" I prayed and hoped all summer, waiting for a letter back. 

A couple of days before the first day back to school, I got a letter with a red button on it. I assumed that it was from Hope's Peak. My heart skipped a beat then again. I slowly opened it up. I read the note. I gasped

"Mr. Makoto Naegi, We recently held a lottery to select one ordinary student to attend our school. As a result, you have been selected and we invite you to join us as the Ultimate Lucky Student. Included is an orientation guide for Hope's Peak Academy" 

"This has to be a dream..right?" I thought to myself as I pinched myself for checking. It hurt. It wasn't a dream. It was too good to believe. I made it into Hope's Peak Academy! I smiled bigger than I did in years. This is going to be the biggest change in my life. They say that if anybody managed to graduate from Hope's Peak Academy, then you'll be set for life! Even though I'm only the Ultimate Lucky Student, I can finally become something that's not average! I jumped up and down with excitement. This is going to change my life forever!


Today's the day...The first day of Hope's Peak Academy. A brand new opening for a change. I smiled as I picked up my backpack and made my way downstairs. There was nobody downstairs. I assumed that my mom and dad went on another business trip and that my sister went with them. So I'm alone at the house this morning. I'm used to it. My parents usually go on trips because of their job and my sister also wants to join them. It's not all the time, sometimes my Parents say no but most of the time, they go without letting me know. Talk about favoritism. I also forgot to tell them that I got accepted into the school. I'll doubt their care so I didn't care to tell them. Who would? 

I made myself a piece of toast before grabbing my backpack. I put the toast inside my mouth as I took out my house key to open the door. I lock the door as soon as I went outside and started making walking to school. It was a new school to me so I didn't know which buses take me to where so I decided to walk. It didn't matter since my house was close to the school. I could call it "lucky" I guess...

After minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the school. I was stunned. Standing in front of the most talented school just gives me the chills. I read some of the students from the website and some of the talents these students had were cool. Ultimate Pop Sensation, Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, Ultimate Baseball Star, Ultimate Fashionista and so much, so much. And I, the Ultimate Lucky Student, standing in front of the school. I could just pass out! I took the first steps toward the school. As I took the first step into the building, My head started to spin like crazy. I didn't know if it was because I was nervous or something else but then black spots suddenly starts blocking my vision from entering. I started feeling tired and sick. It started spinning and spinning. I finally understand why I started to feel or see this way...

It was because...






Before I could reach my conclusion. I passed out...




A/N: Hey Guys. Thanking for reading this Story. I started this book in May. when this chapter is published, it's now July of 2023. I got this idea from reading another suicidal Makoto fanfiction made by DanganronpaFan2023 so make sure to check out their profile and read the story. Don't ask me why I like suicidal Makoto, I just like seeing my favorite characters in pain- But anyways. Day 1 isn't over yet, It ended because if I continued you writing this chapter then It would probably take almost the whole month to finish this and I wanted to have at least 12-18 chapters of this book and I have no idea what am I going to do for the future chapters so I'll just have to end it here. I don't know went the next chapter is coming out but just be patient. Thanks for reading again! Hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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